Tuesday, July 19, 2016

July 19 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes

The Gifts of God Are Mine Today

It is the Father's good pleasure to give me the Kingdom of Heaven, or harmony and abundance.  Today He opens to me the blessings of His infinite and eternal treasure, inviting me to dip deeply into it.  As I believe in my heart, so it is done unto me in all things.  As I ask, so do I receive, a full measure unto my faith, pressed down and running over.

These and other Divine promises and assurances sing in me; the Still Small Voice reminds me that all that the Father hath is mine.  This day I listen deeply to that Still, Small Voice and believe Its promises.

I fear nothing - neither lack, limitation, disappointment nor distress of any kind, for is not the Father always with me?  What caused the appearance of lack in my life?  Simply my fear, or  my belief that the Father could forsake me.  I do not believe that now, and it no longer matters to me what is the appearance of today, or what has gone before.  Today is new, and I am newly awakened in it, and I believe with dauntless faith that my good, in full measure, comes to me from God today.

I now believe that it is, indeed, the Father's good pleasure to give me of His bounty.  I know that He gives as I ask, without question or limit, and I am ready to receive.

The Gifts of God Are Mine Today

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