Tuesday, September 13, 2016

September 13 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes

(The following meditations is printed just as it was given in class and group work.)

My Ideal Merges into the Real

We now let go of everything and enter into the contemplation of peace and good and truth and beauty.  We are conscious that God is All there is, there is nothing else.  We are certain that the Spirit of Reality is our spirit, flows into our spirit and through our spirit.  And we are conscious that Love does guide and direct, lead, maintain and sustain.  We know that each one of us is a center of this Divine Life, in this Perfect Peace, this Complete Happiness, and this Absolute wholeness; and we know that this Perfection - which is the center of our very being - is projected into every atom of our being.

We know that the Law of this Being is perfect and there is no obstruction to Its operation.  We know that the Principle within us guides us, not only into the way of truth, but in the way and the performance of that knowledge.  WHATEVER IS FOR OUR BENEFIT IS ALREADY PROVIDED.  It is all one thing.  It is all One Presence, operating through One fundamental Law, therefore, everything necessary to our well-being (whether we think of it as spiritual, mental or physical), everything necessary to remove any belief in obstruction and the inflow and out-push of that Spirit, is brought into our experience.  All good, all substance, all supply, all activity, all opportunity for self-expression is ours now!

My Ideal Merges into the Real

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