Sunday, May 15, 2016

May 15 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

Majestic Calm

The Inner Mind is still.
The Soul reflects the Most High.
The Spirit of man is God.
In the great calm of the All Good,
I rest in peace and security.
My life is now reflecting the Perfect Whole.
I am Peace; I am calm
I am security and complete satisfaction.
I am One with God.

I am filled with peace.

No Loss

There is no loss.
Nothing can be lost, misplaced nor forgotten.
There was never any loss nor confusion.
Creation is Perfect and Complete, within the One are all things, and all are known to the One.
I am now in complete harmony with the Whole and I cannot lose nor misplace anything.
I am constantly finding more and more Good.

I know that there is no loss.

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