Thursday, February 11, 2016

February 11 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Cause and Effect ~ Ernest Holmes

"Effect is that which did not make itself but must have a power back of it, causing it to be.  All manifestation, all body, is effect, and is subject to its cause!

The Creator is greater than His creation.  Everything we see, touch, taste, feel, hear or grasp with the physical senses, is an effect.  "Things which are seen are not made of things which do appear."  What we see comes from that which we do not see.

If self-knowingness is in Spirit, and if the Law which executes the volition of Spirit is entirely subconscious, or subjective to the Will of Spirit, it follows that both cause and effect are spiritual!  Involved within the idea which the Spirit drops into the Creative Medium, is everything necessary to bring this idea into form.  Spirit never thinks of methods or processes, for that which the Spirit involves must evolve!  The contemplation of Spirit, the Self-Knowingness of God, produces involution.  Evolution is the passing of thought into manifestation.

To put it another way:  All is Infinite Being and all is eternally becoming.  Infinite Being is Infinite Knowingness; as the result of this Infinite Knowingnesss, there is an Infinite Becomingness or Creation. The Infinite Knowingness produces what is called involution through the self-contemplation of Spirit.  As the result of this contemplation - the Word of the Bible - Creation is made manifest.  This is evolution.

Evolution is the process, the way, the time, and the experience that transpires as Thought - or Intelligence, or Idea, or Contemplation - passes from abstract Being into concrete expression.  Consequently, evolution is an effect of intelligence and not the cause of it!  EVOLUTION IS NOT CREATING INTELLIGENCE; INTELLIGENCE IS PROJECTING EVOLUTION.  We do not deny the theory of evolution; we affirm its cause to be Intelligence, operating as Consciousness and Law."

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