Saturday, February 13, 2016

February 13 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Immortality ~ Ernest Holmes

Suppose we should be able to view the world, not as we do now from one plane but from ten different planes, what would happen?  We should certainly see ten times as much as we do now.  The present hypothesis of science is, that ether is more solid than matter; and this means that there could be a form within the very form that one's body now occupies in space; there might be innumerable bodies each within the other; and each would be just as real as the one we now think we occupy.  The Universe as we see it is not even a fractional part of the Universe that actually is, "Eye hath not seen...etc..." because it sees only on one plane and only in part.

From the standpoint of immortality we may have a body within a body to infinity.  When this physical body is rendered useless and is no longer a fit instrument through which to function, another one may be already there!

The physical disappearance of Jesus after his Resurrection was the result of the spiritualization of his consciousness.  This so quickened his mentality that his body disintegrated, and his followers could not see him because he was on another plane.  Planes are not places; they are states of consciousness.

Is it apparent that Spirit can know nothing outside Itself; that whatever the Spirit knows must be a definite mental image, concept or idea, in the Consciousness of the Spirit?  Is it clear that as the Self-Consciousness of Spirit knows within Itself, It knows upon Itself as Law?

Is it clear that the Law can never say "I will not," but can only act as instructed?  And is it clear that as the Spirit lets fall the form of Its thoughts into the Soul or Subjectivity of the Universe, these thoughts must manifest as things?  As Form? As Body?

A Divine Mental Picture

As we look at the many millions of forms all of different shape and color, and yet know that they all come from One Stuff, are we not compelled to accept the fact that there is a specific cause, or concrete mental image back of every idea or thing, a Divine Mental Picture?  in the subjective world, there must be a correspondent of everything in the objective world; and since the subjective world is a receptive or plastic substance, this correspondence can find its initial starting point only in real Intelligence.  Therefore, Intelligence is the ultimate creative agency of the Universe!

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