Where Did Man Come from and Why? ~ Ernest Holmes
"To inquire why Life itself is, is useless, for Life is self-existent, and all of the science, wit and art of man can never fathom that which is self-existent. "I am that I am." Since we are, we must have evolved from, or become manifested in, that which is. Our physiological and psychological reactions, are reactions to something which has an actual existence, intelligence and consciousness. Our actions and reactions can be analyzed. The invisible Life Principle incarnated in us cannot be analyzed. Any attempt to do so is futile.
Facts admit of proof, Life announces Itself. We know that we are; even a flat denial of our existence would constitute a bold affirmation of its reality. If we were to push our history back to some beginning, we should still be compelled to make the simple statement that man is. If man's life is of God, then it comes from a Source that had no beginning, so the question as to WHY he is, must forever remain unanswered. God could not tell why God is! To suppose that Life could give an excuse or reason for being would be to suppose an absurdity. Life IS, and right at this point all inquiry into Truth starts, and from this point alone must this inquiry continue.
We are not so much interested, however, in why we are, as in what we are. That we are some part of Life, no one can deny and keep faith with reason."
"To inquire why Life itself is, is useless, for Life is self-existent, and all of the science, wit and art of man can never fathom that which is self-existent. "I am that I am." Since we are, we must have evolved from, or become manifested in, that which is. Our physiological and psychological reactions, are reactions to something which has an actual existence, intelligence and consciousness. Our actions and reactions can be analyzed. The invisible Life Principle incarnated in us cannot be analyzed. Any attempt to do so is futile.
Facts admit of proof, Life announces Itself. We know that we are; even a flat denial of our existence would constitute a bold affirmation of its reality. If we were to push our history back to some beginning, we should still be compelled to make the simple statement that man is. If man's life is of God, then it comes from a Source that had no beginning, so the question as to WHY he is, must forever remain unanswered. God could not tell why God is! To suppose that Life could give an excuse or reason for being would be to suppose an absurdity. Life IS, and right at this point all inquiry into Truth starts, and from this point alone must this inquiry continue.
We are not so much interested, however, in why we are, as in what we are. That we are some part of Life, no one can deny and keep faith with reason."
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