Saturday, March 19, 2016

March 19 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

A Song of Hope

My Life is in Thee, O Inner Presence.
I look upon Thee and hope springs forth into realization.
O Hope within me, undying evidence of Good.
Thou dost completely hold me in Thy loving embrace,
And from this fond caress assurance shall be born, and confidence and love.

My hope is in Thee.

Be Still and Know

"Be still and know that I am God."
I am still in Thy Presence.
I am quiet and peaceful, for I put my trust in Thee.
A great stillness steals over me and a great calm quiets my whole being, as I realize Thy Presence.
The heart know of Thee, O Most High within.
It is still in Thy Presence, and it puts its whole confidence in Thee alone.

In Thy Presence I am still.

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