Sunday, January 3, 2016

January 3 ~ Science of Mind in a Year

Removing the Complex

Suppose someone is constantly saying:  "Everything is all wrong in the world.  People are wrong, things are wrong, conditions are wrong.  All is sickness and unhappiness.  Nothing seems worth while."  You as a practitioner* must not be disturbed by this complaint.  It is your business to remove this complex, for these inner emotions create outer conditions, in and through the body, and are responsible for a great deal of sickness in the world.

Treatment straightens out consciousness by clear thinking.  When the inner consciousness agrees with the Truth, then - and not until then - a demonstration takes place.  Specifically go over the thoughts which are wrong and use the power of your word to heal them.

"Medical practice takes into consideration the thoughts back of disease, and many eminent physicians probe deeply into the "complex," the "obsession," or the "defense mechanism," disclosed by the thought of the patient, which resulted in blindness, deafness, mutism, etc.

In spiritual mind healing, we recognize that cause is never material or physical.  There is only One First Cause.  But it is often necessary for the practitioner to diagnose the thought of his patient; in fact, this is an important point in healing.  This is psycho-analysis (from psyche, or soul).  Psycho-analysis is the analysis of the soul or subjective mind.  Its teaching is that within the soul, or subjective mind, all the seeds of our thoughts fall, and that most of man's physical troubles are caused by some inner conflict.  The conscious mind, desiring certain things which it cannot have, sends into the subjective thought opposing desires which conflict with each other and mentally tear or bind; and as they manifest in the body, they produce disease.  It is claimed that seventy percent of all diseases are the result of suppressed emotions.  These emotions are not necessarily sex emotions, but may be any suppressed desires.

It is probable that when Jesus forgave the man his sins, he realized that the man had a complex of condemnation within himself. The sense of condemnation within himself.  The sense of condemnation which the race holds about itself weights it down, and it must be removed.  This explains why Jesus said: "Thy sins be forgiven thee."  It is feeling that hurts.  It has been said:  "Life is a comedy to him who thinks, a tragedy to him who feels."

We recognize that everything is in Mind and that nothing moves but Mind.  That Intelligence is back of everything, acting through a thought force which is concrete, definite and real.  The reason people do not realize that mental healing is possible is that they do not understand the meaning of Causation, they do not realize that Intelligence is back of all things, that there is but One Fundamental Intelligence in the Universe, and that the individual is simply a point where this One Mind manifests as person.  Disease must come through Mind, in order to operate through us.  There is but One Subjective Mind in the Universe, and we are always thinking into It.

The practitioner talks with his patient, explains to him the Law of Mind, teaches him the way, diagnoses his thought, points out to him that certain mental attitudes produce certain physical results, teaches him how to be harmonious in his thinking, how to be at peace, how to trust and believe in the Good.  In other words, the practitioner lifts him up mentally and spiritually, and supports his thought until he can stand alone.

A practitioner must be filled with the spirit of Divine Compassion.  He must have a deep, underlying sense of unity and sympathy, else he will do but little good; but he/she must not have sympathy with the disease.  The only guarantee of our Divinity is in its expression through our humanity.  Consequently, an enlightened soul understands the meaning of sympathy and exercises it, but not morbidly."

*The term "practitioner" refers to students and people who practice the teaching of this science, and those individuals who have formally licensed through Centers for Spiritual Living.

Note regarding capitalization in the text: Dr. Holmes, throughout the text, has utilized capitalization as a reverent indication of the divine qualities in all of life.   For example, "Divine Compassion" is a quality, a state of being, that is expressed from that one source of all life....that has many names: God, Buddha, Allah, Yahweh, Father, Mother, Great Mother, Supreme Being, Consciousness.

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