Wednesday, January 6, 2016

January 6 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

There Are Not Two Minds, Only Two Names ~ Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind

"Mind - the Thing, Spirit, Causation - is beyond, and yet not beyond, our grasp. Beyond, in that It is so big; within, in that wherever we grasp at It, we are It to the extent that we grasp It; but, since It is infinite, we can never encompass It.  We shall never encompass God, and yet we shall always be in God and of God!

Mind comes under two classifications.  There are not two minds; but rather two names employed in describing states of consciousness:  the objective, or conscious and the subjective, or unconscious.  We think of the conscious state as our conscious use of mind.  The subconscious (or subjective) state of mind - sometimes called the unconscious state - is that part of mind which is set in motion as a creative thing by the conscious state.

In the body of this textbook, under the heading of "Subjective Mind," we say:  "In the Subjective Mind of man, we find a law obeying his word, the servant of his spirit.  Suggestion has proved that the subconscious mind acts upon our thoughts.  It is the mental law of our being, and the creative factor within us.  It is unnecessary, at this point, to go into all the details of the subjective Mind and its mode of action; it is enough to say that within us is a mental law, working out the will and purposes of our conscious thoughts.  This can be no other than our individual use of that greater SUBJECTIVE MIND, which is the seat of all mental law and action, and is 'The Servant of the Eternal Spirit throughout the ages.'"

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