Sunday, June 26, 2016

June 26 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

The Joy of the Soul

My Soul within me rejoices at the realization of Life.
I am made glad as I behold my inner Light;
I cannot be sad nor depressed, for the All Good has claimed me as Its own.
O Soul within me, rejoice and become glad, for Thy Light has come
and Thy Day of Salvation is at hand.
Be still within me and behold Him Who sitteth On High.

I rejoice in my Life within me.

Freedom from Sin

I am free from belief in sin; there is neither sin nor sinner.
There is no judgment against anyone.
God does not condemn and man cannot.
All fear of sin is removed from me; all belief in punishment is gone from me.
I live by the One Power, and no thought can enter to disturb me.

There is neither sin nor sinner.

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