"The subjective mind of man is part of the Universal Subjective Mind of God. It is the place where every man individualizes himself on the subjective side of life. It is his use of the Law of Cause and Effect. It is his use of the Law of Karma. It is the Law of the Whole, now individualized as a law of the apparent part. It may produce either freedom or bondage according to the way that it is used. Man's use of the Universal Law makes it appear as thought his subjective mind were an entity of itself. It never is, however, and this is one of the main points we should remember. It is not separated from the Universal, but is, in a certain sense, the property of the individual in the Universal. God and man are One, but God is greater than man. The Whole is greater than Its parts.
The Universal Subjectivity is Mind in an abstract and formless state. That is, it is a potential energy and a latent power, which means that It is unformed, but always ready to take form. It is Mind and Substance in an unformed or uncreated state of being. It is ready to become molded into creativeness. It is unexpressed Mind. It waits to be called into form or expression. It exists in its original state, invisible but potential with all possible form. A creative, universal energy waiting to be used, to be operated upon. Willing, but having no volition of Its own. Ready, but having no initiative. Formless, but ready to take form.
Mind in Its subjective state is Universal. Mind in Its subjective state cannot act until It is set in motion by mind in a conscious state. Therefore Universal Subjective Mind is a doer and not a self-conscious knower. It knows how to do but It does not have any conscious knowledge that It is doing. Man calls It forth into expression.
In Universal Mind is contained the essence of everything that ever was, is or shall be. The seen and the unseen are in It and governed by It. It is the sole and only Creative Agency in the universe and all other apparent creative agencies are It working in different ways. Things exist in the Universal Mind as ideas. Ideas take form and become things in the concrete or the visible world. Thought calls things forth from the universal into expression.
The correct understanding that Mind in Its unformed state can be called forth into individual use is key to all proper mental and spiritual work from a practical viewpoint. To know that we are surrounded by such a creativeness is not enough, however, we must use this knowledge for definite purposes if we expect to make conscious use of the law for personal self-expression. In this limitless Medium the potential of all our desires exists in an unformed state. The Unformed is ready to take form, but having no intention of Its own, because It is not self-knowing, form must be imposed upon It. Form is imposed upon It by the self-knowing mind of God and of man. Man in the little world. God in the Great World.
The invisible essence of Mind is Substance. That is, an unformed stuff, an energy. It is energy plus intelligence. Intelligence is conscious energy working upon unformed substance in accord with law. When man makes a demand upon himself or demand upon the Universe which flows through the self, he is making a demand upon Original Mind and Original Energy. Thus his demand causes Original Mind and Energy to produce certain specific things for him. Thus is a new creation produced by the same Creative Force or energy that produces all things. The Mind that man uses to conceive new ideas is the Original Mind of God. There are not two minds but One. The Universal and the individual are one in Essence. Any apparent difference is in degree only."
"The subjective mind of man is part of the Universal Subjective Mind of God. It is the place where every man individualizes himself on the subjective side of life. It is his use of the Law of Cause and Effect. It is his use of the Law of Karma. It is the Law of the Whole, now individualized as a law of the apparent part. It may produce either freedom or bondage according to the way that it is used. Man's use of the Universal Law makes it appear as thought his subjective mind were an entity of itself. It never is, however, and this is one of the main points we should remember. It is not separated from the Universal, but is, in a certain sense, the property of the individual in the Universal. God and man are One, but God is greater than man. The Whole is greater than Its parts.
The Universal Subjectivity is Mind in an abstract and formless state. That is, it is a potential energy and a latent power, which means that It is unformed, but always ready to take form. It is Mind and Substance in an unformed or uncreated state of being. It is ready to become molded into creativeness. It is unexpressed Mind. It waits to be called into form or expression. It exists in its original state, invisible but potential with all possible form. A creative, universal energy waiting to be used, to be operated upon. Willing, but having no volition of Its own. Ready, but having no initiative. Formless, but ready to take form.
Mind in Its subjective state is Universal. Mind in Its subjective state cannot act until It is set in motion by mind in a conscious state. Therefore Universal Subjective Mind is a doer and not a self-conscious knower. It knows how to do but It does not have any conscious knowledge that It is doing. Man calls It forth into expression.
In Universal Mind is contained the essence of everything that ever was, is or shall be. The seen and the unseen are in It and governed by It. It is the sole and only Creative Agency in the universe and all other apparent creative agencies are It working in different ways. Things exist in the Universal Mind as ideas. Ideas take form and become things in the concrete or the visible world. Thought calls things forth from the universal into expression.
The correct understanding that Mind in Its unformed state can be called forth into individual use is key to all proper mental and spiritual work from a practical viewpoint. To know that we are surrounded by such a creativeness is not enough, however, we must use this knowledge for definite purposes if we expect to make conscious use of the law for personal self-expression. In this limitless Medium the potential of all our desires exists in an unformed state. The Unformed is ready to take form, but having no intention of Its own, because It is not self-knowing, form must be imposed upon It. Form is imposed upon It by the self-knowing mind of God and of man. Man in the little world. God in the Great World.
The invisible essence of Mind is Substance. That is, an unformed stuff, an energy. It is energy plus intelligence. Intelligence is conscious energy working upon unformed substance in accord with law. When man makes a demand upon himself or demand upon the Universe which flows through the self, he is making a demand upon Original Mind and Original Energy. Thus his demand causes Original Mind and Energy to produce certain specific things for him. Thus is a new creation produced by the same Creative Force or energy that produces all things. The Mind that man uses to conceive new ideas is the Original Mind of God. There are not two minds but One. The Universal and the individual are one in Essence. Any apparent difference is in degree only."