Monday, April 11, 2016

April 11 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

The Great Search ~ Ernest Holmes

"The world seeks a solution of its great riddle - the apparent separation between God and man; between life and what it does; between the invisible and the visible; between the Father and the Son - and until this riddle is solved, there can be no peace.

Peace is an inner calm, obtained through man's knowledge of what he believes and why.  Without knowledge, there is no lasting peace.  Nothing can bring peace but the revelation of the individual to himself, and a recognition of his direct relationship to the Universe.  He must know that he is an eternal being on the pathway of life, with certainty behind him, certainty before him, and certainty accompanying him all the way.

Peace is brought about through a conscious unity of the personal man with the inner principle of his life - that underlying current, flowing from a divine center, pressing ever outward into expression.  But this can never come by proxy.  We can hire others to work for you, to care for our physical needs, but no one can live for us.  This we must do for ourselves.

The Need of Spiritual Experience

We need spiritual experience, a first-hand knowledge of life and Reality.  There is no medium between God and man, nothing between life and living, between heaven and hell, but an idea.  But an idea has no real value until it becomes an experience.

In conversation, we assume great knowledge of religion and philosophy, but how much do we really experience?  We can know only that which we experience. All great religions have taught truth, but it means nothing to us unless it becomes our truth.

We need spiritual experience.  We shall never know peace until we embody it, we shall never know Truth until we become Truth, and we cannot know God unless we sense Him within our own being.  The Spirit is ever giving, but we must take.  What life does for us must be done through us.

Spiritual experience is deep, calm and self-assertive; it is the result of actually realizing that Presence which binds all together in one complete Whole.  This experience comes in the stillness of the Soul, when the outer voice is quiet, when the tempest of human strife is abated; it is a quickening of the inner man to an eternal reality.

Spiritual experience is a fact. Spirituality may be defined as an atmosphere of good, the realization of God.  It cannot - and does not - borrow its light from another, no matter how great or noble that other may be.  It springs from within, coming from that never-failing fountain of life, which quenches every thirst, whose Source is in eternity; the well-spring of self-existence.  It is a revelation of the self to the self, putting one back on the track of his own self-dependence on Spirit, his own at-one-ment with Reality.

The Cause of Human Troubles

The integrity of the universe cannot be questioned nor doubted.  The spirit must be, and is perfect.  That which is back of everything must be good, must be complete, must be love and harmony.  When we are out of harmony with some special good, it is because we are off the track along that particular line of the activity of Spirit.

But how are we to regain the lost Paradise?  Only through soul culture and by careful self-analysis.  What is my viewpoint of life?  This is a question each should ask himself.  What do I feel my relationship to the great Whole to be?  What do I believe about the Cause back of all? From whence come discouragement, fear, doubt and calamity?  They cannot proceed from the eternal Source - that perfect fount of life - the inexhaustible One. Therefore, they must come from my own consciousness. They cannot be born of the Truth.  The Truth is God, and God is free, happy , peaceful and ever poised in His own Being.  I must set myself right with the universe.  I must find the way back to the central fire, if I am to be warmed.  I must find the Source, if I am to be supplied.  I must be like God, if I wish to realize His Spirit in my life!

A change of consciousness does not come by simply willing or wishing.  It is not easy to hold the mental attention to an ideal, while the human experience is discordant, but - it is possible.  Knowing the Truth, is not a process of self-hypnosis, but one of a gradual unfoldment of the inner self."

1 comment:

  1. Truly breathtaking the blessings that come when you allow the atraction of the universe and spirituality to be present in your life..Im so thankful our paths crossed we are truly lucky to start our newest lifes journey with you in it....James&meghann
