Ernest Holmes
Treatment: What It Is
"Effective mental treatment is propelled by a consciousness of love and a realization that the Creative Spirit is always at work. The practitioner does not feel that he must compel the Force to work. It is the nature of the Creative Power to take form, and it is the nature of man to use It.
A treatment should be given a calm, expectant manner and with a deep inner conviction of its reality, without any fear or any sense that the human mind must make it effective. The work is effective because the Law is always in operation.
The Purpose of Treatment
Mental or spiritual treatment should bring into actual manifestation the health and happiness which are mankind's normal and divine heritage. Such healing includes the emancipation of the mind from every form of bondage through a new concept of God, which causes the heart to beat with joy and gladness. This healing power is a consciousness of the Unity of all Life and the spiritual nature of all being. Man's life is rooted in the Universal and the Eternal, which life is none other than the Life of God. The healing process, in so far as it may be termed a process, is in becoming conscious of this eternal truth.
Treatment should incorporate a conscious recognition that health has always been ours, abundance has always been ours, happiness and peace have always been ours; they are ours now, for they are the very essence and Truth of our being. All there is of evil, of whatever name or kind is an inversion of eternal good."
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