Tuesday, April 19, 2016

April 19 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

for Self-Help
By Ernest Holmes

No Weariness

There is no weariness.
Mind and Spirit do not become tired nor weary, and I am Mind and Spirit.
The flesh cannot become weary, since it has no mind of its own.
I am free from all illusions of weariness.
My whole being responds to the thought of Life.
I am alive with the Great Vitality of the Spirit.

I am alive with Spirit.

Perfect Hearing

My hearing is perfect.
It is God in me hearing His own voice.
I hear That Voice, and no belief in inaction can hinder that hearing.
There are no impaired organs.
Every idea of the body is now complete and perfect and functions according to the Divine Law.
I open my ears to hear.
I am receptive to Truth and can understand it.

Open my ears that I may hear.

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