Tuesday, October 11, 2016

October 11 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes

Infinite Life Within

Infinite Life within me, which is God, guard Thou my feet and keep Thou my way.

Let me not stray from Thee, but compel me to do thy will.

I am guarded and governed by an Infinite Intelligence and an Omnipotent Power.

No mistakes can be made and none ever have been made.

An unerring judgment operates through me and I am led 
by the Spirit of Truth into all Good and into all Peace and Happiness.

Infinite Life within me.

My Feet Shall Not Falter

My feet shall not falter, for they are kept upon the path of Life 
through the Power of the Eternal Spirit.

This Spirit is my spirit now.

Guide Thou my feet; compel my way; direct my paths and keep me in Thy Presence.

My feet are guarded and I am guided into The All Good.

He guides my feet.

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