Wednesday, October 12, 2016

October 12 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

Evolution (Concluded)

"Evolution, then, is not a thing in itself; it is an effect.  Behind all objective form, there is a subjective likeness which exactly balances and is the prototype of the form.  The thing involved perfectly balances the thing evolving from it.  Evolution is the time and the process through which Spirit unfolds!  In so far as any individual understands this mental Law, he is able to use it.  We must learn how It works and comply with the way It works.  Always, It is an obedient servant.  As a man sows, so also shall he reap.  Involution and evolution, the thought and the thing, the Word and the Law, the purpose and the execution...this is the sequence.

While there is liberty in the evolving principle, it is always in accord with certain fundamental laws of necessity.  It seems as though behind evolution there is an irresistible pressure, compelling more, better, higher and greater things.  For instance, if we study the evolution of locomotion, from the rising of man from the clod, we see him riding upon a horse, in a cart, in a wagon, and so on to the automobile and the airplane.   What is this but the evolution of locomotion, the unfolding through man's mind of the possibility of travel?  If we watch the evolution of travel by water, we find the same thing from the raft to modern ships.

What is the inevitable end of locomotion?  Could it be other than that we shall ultimately do away with ever visible means of transportation?  When we shall have unified with Omnipresence, we shall be omnipresent.

When we shall have arrived at a sufficient understanding,  our thought will take us where we wish to be.  When we know enough, we shall be able to pass on to another plane and come back again, if we wish to do so.  When we know enough to multiply the loaves and fishes, we shall do so.  When we know enough to walk on the water, we shall be able to do that and it will all be in accordance with natural law in a spiritual world."

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