Sunday, October 23, 2016

October 22 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes


"Race-suggestion is a very real thing, and each individual carries around with him (and has written into his mentality) many impressions which he never consciously thought of or experienced.  When we realize that the individual's subjectivity is his use of the One Subjective Mind, we shall see that a subjective unity is maintained between all people, and that individual mentalities who are in sympathetic vibration with each other, more or less mingle and receive suggestions from each other.  This is the meaning of mental influence, which is indeed a very real thing.

Just as each person, place or thing has a subjective atmosphere or remembrance, so each town, city or nation has its individual atmosphere.  Some towns are bustling with life and action while others seem dead.  Some are filled with a spirit of culture, while others are filled with a spirit of commerce.  This is the result of the mentalities of those who live in such places.  Just as a city has its atmosphere, so does an entire nation.  The combined thought of those who inhabit a nation creates a national consciousness which we speak of as the psychology of that people.

Subjective Mind, being Universal, the history of the race is written in the mental atmosphere of the globe on which we live.  That is, everything which has ever happened on this planet has left its imprint on the walls of time; and could we walk down their corridors and read the writings, we should be reading the race history.  This should seem simple when we realize that the vibrations of the human voice can be preserved on the receptive phonograph disc, or the sound film, and reproduced at will.  If we were to impress one of these discs, or a strip of the sound film, and lay it away for years (properly protecting it) it would still reproduce these vibrations.  It is not difficult, then, to understand how the walls of time may be hung with the pictures of human events, and how one who sees these pictures may read race history.  There is a tendency, on the part of all of us, to reproduce the accumulated subjective experiences of the human race."

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