Monday, October 31, 2016

October 30 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

The Spirit of Prophecy (Continued)

"To repeat this in a clearer way, perhaps:  Subjective Mind can deduce only; It has no power of initiative or self-choice, and is compelled by Its very nature to retain all the suggestions which It receives.  The best illustration of this is in the creative soil, in which the gardener plants his seed.  The soil does not argue nor deny, but goes to work on the seed and begins to create a plant which will represent the type of manifestation inherent, as idea, in the seed; from a cucumber seed, we get cucumbers, and from a cabbage seed, we get cabbages.  Always the law maintains the individuality of the seed as it creates the plant; never does it contradict the right of the seed to be what it really is.  Involved within the seed is the idea of the plant, as are also those lesser ideas which are to act as a medium between the seed and the plant.  Involved within the seed are both cause and effect, but the seed must first be placed within the creative soil if we wish to see the plant.  In the creative soil (or in the seed) the full and perfect idea of the plant must exist as a completed thing, else it could never be brought into manifestation.  The idea of the full-grown plant must exist somewhere in the seed and soil, if it is ever going to materialize.

This teaches us a lesson in subjectivity.  Thoughts going into the subjective are like seeds; they act through the creative medium of Mind and must have, within themselves, the full power to develop and to express; but how could they express unless they were already known to Mind?  THEY COULD NOT, so Mind must view the thought as already completed in the thing; and Mind must also contain the avenue through which the idea is to be expressed.  EVERY THOUGHT SETS THE FULFILLMENT OF ITS DESIRE IN MOTION IN MIND, AND MIND SEES THE THING AS ALREADY DONE!"

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