Thursday, October 6, 2016

October 6 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes


"The Universe, both visible and invisible, is a Spiritual System.  Man is a part of this Spiritual Order, so indivisibly united with It that the entire Cosmos is (or may be) reflected in his mind!  Evolution is the awakening of the soul to a recognition of its unity with the Whole.  Material evolution is an effect, not a cause.  This reverses the popular belief, declaring that evolution is the result of intelligence, rather than intelligence being the result of evolution!

The aim of evolution is to produce a man, who at the point of his objective thought may completely manifest the whole idea of life, may bring Unity to the point of particularization, finding nothing in the Law to oppose It.  The man Jesus became the Christ through a complete realization of the Unity of Spirit and the Absoluteness of His word.  His physical and spiritual faculties, His objective and subjective mind, were completely poised and perfectly balanced.

It is evident if this realization took place in any other individual, his word would be manifested likewise.  Because behind the word is Universal Soul, Omnipotent Law.  The Spirit is Limitless, but can only be to us what we believe It to be.  Why must we believe It is?  Because, UNTIL WE BELIEVE THAT IT IS, WE ARE BELIEVING THAT IT IS NOT!  It is all a matter of belief, but belief is scientifically induced into a subjective state, through conscious endeavor."

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