Wednesday, October 26, 2016

October 25 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes

Born of Eternal Day

Child of All Good, you are born of Eternal Day.

There is no evening of the Soul, for it shall live forever.

It is Deathless and Perfect, Complete and One with the Ever-lasting.

No thought of tomorrow can disturb the calm of him who knows that Life is one Eternal Day.

No fear can enter where Love reigns, and Reason keeps faith with Hope.

The thoughts of the tomorrows and the yesterdays are swallowed up in the great realization of the Perfect Here and the Complete Now.

Today I completely accept my wholeness.

I Arise and Go Forth

I arise and go forth into the Dawn of the New Day, filled with faith and assurance in the All Good.

I arise, I arise, I sing with joy!

I proclaim the One Life:  "In all and through all."

I arise, I arise, I shout with gladness that is within me.

I declare this day to be Complete, Perfect and Eternal.

I respond to Life.

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