Wednesday, October 5, 2016

October 5 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

Ultimate Salvation for All (Conclusion)

"There cannot be a Law in the Universe which demands evil, lack, limitation, and the experience of unhappiness, to provide shades to magnify Its glory.  Therefore, the mystics have taught that evil has only the power to destroy itself; that it is not God-ordained.  From the viewpoint of reality, it is an illusion, but they have not denied it as an experience.  It is an experience all have had.  The great have not failed to recognize the appearance of evil, but they have separated the appearance from the reality.  They have done away with evil as a cosmic entity - NO DEVIL, NO HELL, NO TORMENT, NO DAMNATION outside of one's own state of thought, NO PUNISHMENT outside of that self-inflicted, through ignorance; and NO SALVATION OUTSIDE OF CONSCIOUS CO-OPERATION WITH THE INFINITE.  Heaven and Hell are states of consciousness."

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