Saturday, August 13, 2016

August 12 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes

“In a treatment for child-birth, we realize that the great Law of Creation is operative.  We know that no idea of God ever comes too soon or too late, but always at the correct time.  We know that right action prevails.
If you are working for yourself, realize that your part is merely to accept fully the fact that the Creative Law within you knows; and not only knows, but performs every right action at the right time; that It synchronizes all impulses toward the event.  It is Its nature to do so.  It could not do otherwise.  Let your mind dwell on the wonder of this knowing Intelligence, which works out the scheme of a new body, imbuing it with Its own laws of health and action, setting up the perfect working of the various systems of the body; the breathing, the circulation, the elimination, and so on.  Realize that Perfection is at work, forming and projecting into the objective world that upon which Its action has been centered; that there can be no obstruction to right action on any plane of expression.
Your meditation at the moment might be:

“I am unified with Universal Law, creating, delivering, perfecting.  I rest in Mind, rejoicing that I have only to accept the perfect results of this natural law.  I give myself completely to this perfect Law, and am at peace.  I am serene because I know that I am in the care of Perfection in action.””

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