Sunday, August 28, 2016

August 28 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

Mental Expansion (II Cor. 3:18)

""But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord."

As our thought is opened and we behold the image of eternity within ourselves, we are changed by this image into a newness of Life.  This is accomplished by the Spirit of God.

The subjective state of thought is the creative medium within us, which fact psychology has proven beyond any question of doubt.  Emerson tells us that we are inlets and might become outlets to the divine Nature.  We are already inlets, but we must consciously become outlets.  A great mystic tells us that the upper part of the soul is merged with God and the lower part with time and conditions.  Plotinus says that when the soul looks to God alone for its inspiration, its work is done better - even though its back is turned to its work.  And Jesus tells us to seek the Kingdom of god first and that all else will be added unto us.

Now the image of God is imprinted upon each of us and all reflect the Divine Glory to some degree.  Indeed we are part of the Divine Glory.  When our thought is turned from limitation to the greater glory, we then reflect that glory.

When the subjective state of our thought receives its images from Reality, it, in turn, reflects this Reality into all that we do.  Gradually, as this process takes place, the outer man becomes changed, and as his concepts become enlarged, so his conditions and physique take on a newness of life.

And this change in the outer is brought about by the Spirit of God.  The Spirit of God - being the One and Only Presence in the Universe - brings about events and re-molds conditions after Its own likeness.

The Ascending Scale of Life 9 II Cor. 3:7-12)

We are changed from glory to glory.  This implies that the divine scale is ever ascending,  There is no end to the Divine Nature and therefore no end to the possibility of our expressing It.  BUT WE MUST BEHOLD IT, we must look steadfastly into this Reality, if we are to image It in our own minds.

Here is no forlorn outlook, no limited concept!  All that God has, or IS, belongs to us and is ours to make use of.  We are not to separate Life from living, but unite the two into a perfect One.  ...The Thing and the way It works; the glory, and the image of the glory in common affairs of everyday life.  Nor hath eye seen nor can tongue tell the greater possibility of any soul.  Only God has revealed this through His Son.  And this Son is each one of us, from the apparent least to the apparent greatest.

The world is saturated with Divinity, immersed in Reality, and filled with possibility.  We must take this divine possibility and mold it into a present actuality in everyday experience.  This is the way to freedom, the pathway to peace and happiness."

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