Monday, August 8, 2016

August 7 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes

The Law of Correspondents (Romans 1:20)

"This teaching incorporates the great law of correspondents.  The spiritual world contains an image of the physical; the physical is a counter part of the spiritual.  A true estimate of the outward symbol points to the spiritual reality behind it.

We understand the unseen by correctly viewing the seen.  The outward effect must partake of its inward nature.  The physical universe is the result of an inner Intelligence, working through Law.  Behind form is idea.  The Formless creates form, through the creative power of Its own Mind and Spirit.

Behind every effect there is a cause, and if this cause is a spiritual idea - which it must be - then it follows that should the spiritual idea be discerned, the physical effect would be like it.  The entire possibility of demonstrating the Law of Good depends upon this proposition.  The idea is father to the fact.  Ideas are real, having the power within themselves to be made manifest.

The whole teaching of the Bible is to the effect that God is Universal Spirit, and Universal Creation.  He creates by the power of His Word.  This Word is the law of His Being.  Man reproduces the Divine Nature on the scale of the individual.  He also uses creative power which works through the law of his word.  From this he cannot escape, he need only to use this power constructively and all will be well.  If he uses the creative power of his thought destructively, then it will destroy.

In the Science of Mind, we learn that persistent, constructive thought is the greatest power known and the most effective.  If the visible effect in our lives is not what it should be, if we are unhappy, sick and poverty stricken, we know the remedy.  The Truth is always the remedy, and the Truth is that the law of liberty is the only real law.  When we reverse the process of thought, the effect will be reversed."

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