Saturday, August 6, 2016

August 6 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes

Blood Troubles and Skin Diseases
(High Blood Pressure, Hardening of the Arteries, Eczema, Boils)

"The blood stream represents the circulation of pure thought, direct from a Divine Source.  The metabolism represents the intelligence within man which knows what to use, and what to cast out.  This blood stream represents the spiritual flow of life, pure and perfect.  The Spirit is never anemic.  We believe that the basic cause for all anemia is a lack of the consciousness of love, and the flow of life as represented by the out-push of Spirit in joyous self-recognition.  There is neither high pressure nor low pressure in this flow, since the pressure is always equalized by spiritual perfection.  There is no sensitiveness, no strain, no inaction or over action, no false action and no inadequate action.  Action, being spiritual, is always perfect.  This stream of life is renewed daily.  It is not material, but spiritual.  The blood stream is continuously renewed as it converts the idea of Spiritual Substance into material benefits.  Love, harmony and peace reign supreme.

The arteries convey this blood stream, and neither harden nor soften.  They are always flexible, always perfect.  There is no tension nor super-tension, but always a calm flow of life forever invigorating, forever renewing, forever revitalizing, carrying to every part of the body and distributing in every part of the body, pure spiritual substance, instantly and permanently perfect.  There is no inner agitation and no outward irritation.

Those of us who suffer from blood troubles and skin diseases have not proven for ourselves the promise:  "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."  Many skin diseases and blood disorders can be traced to a break in the rhythmic harmony of life.  When the body is the harmonious temple of the Living God, Spirit, divine order reigns throughout.  Boils, eczema, and other skin irritations, should be treated by recognizing that the blood is manifesting as pure Substance.

If one has been irritated mentally, and has not been able to adjust himself to the undesirable cause of the irritation, it is but natural that it should manifest objectively sooner or later.  On the other hand, one may be unaware of the cause, it being so deeply covered in his subjective that it has not come to his outer consciousness.  Criticism and inability to live with people - to adjust oneself to the many - bring about many disorders.  A deep-seated resentment against persons or conditions will surely manifest itself in some disagreeable physical reaction.

The first step toward healing is one of honest self-analysis.  What has been our habitual feeling toward persons around us?  Have we really tried to let them live as they see fit, while claiming the same feeling for ourselves?  A good treatment for this would be:

"There is no irritation, frustration, or resentment in my life.  Any sense of inner agitation is now wiped away, and in its place there comes a warm sense of my oneness in essence and experience with all the good there is.  The center of my being is Understanding and Intelligence.  I am calm, poised and at peace with the world.""

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