Tuesday, November 1, 2016

October 31 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

The Spirit of Prophecy (Concluded)

"Mental tendencies set in motion cast their shadows before, and a psychic often sees the complete manifestation of an idea before it has had time to materialize in the objective world.  This is what constitutes the average spirit of prophecy, for prophecy is the reading of subjective tendencies and seeing them as already accomplished facts.  The subjective mind can deduce only, but its power of logic and sequence appears to be perfect.

For illustration, suppose there is a window one mile distant; I am throwing a ball at this window and the ball is halfway to it, going at the rate of one mile a minute.  Now you come into the picture, see the ball, measure the distance, compute the speed with which the ball is passing through the air and say:  "The ball is halfway to the window, it is travelling at the rate of one mile a minute and in just one half a minute the window is going to be broken by the ball passing through it."  Let us suppose that you are the only one who sees the ball, for the rest are looking at the window, and in half a minute it is broken.  How did you prophesy that the window would be broken?  By drawing a logical conclusion from an already established premise.

A similar thing takes place when a psychic exercises the spirit of prophecy, because he is getting his own subjective contact with the condition and simply interpreting what comes to him; but this is the logical, deductive, conclusive power of his subjective thought - seeing a thing completed, by first seeing a tendency set in motion and computing the time it will take to complete it.  There are but few, however, who possess any reliable spirit of prophecy."

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