Wednesday, August 31, 2016

August 31 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

"We should contact a larger field of faith.  This is done by understanding that God is the giver and the sustainer of human life and expression.  God is all there is.  He is Substance and Supply.  We must learn to accept this.  If it is God's pleasure to give us the Kingdom then it should be our privilege to accept the gift.

The Spirit has not withheld good from us, but ignorance of the true law of supply has caused us to have fear.  "They could not enter in because of their unbelief and because they limited the Holy One of Israel."  We should endeavor to stop limiting God.  All things are given unto us but we shall have to do the taking.  God gives in the abstract, we receive in the concrete.  The gift of Heaven is forever made.  The receiving of this gift is an eternal process of forever expanding the finite.

Since we cannot contract the Absolute we shall have to expand the relative.  The Infinite will not be, or become, less than Itself.  We are of Its nature.  We did not make our own being.  All we can do is to accept that the being which we are is some part of the Divine.  To know this is to overcome fear.  Whether this fear is of lack, pain, sickness or death, it is always a belief that there is something other than Life or that Life withholds pleasure, peace, success and Heaven from us.

Love alone can overcome fear because love surrenders itself to the object of its adoration.  The soul must make a complete surrender of itself to the Spirit.  That is, the Law must come under subjection to the Spirit.  The will of the Spirit is peace, clear thinking and happiness, It could have no other will.

Should we learn to contemplate those things which are desirable and to forget the rest, we would soon overcome fear through faith.  Both are mental.  Let us learn to reverse the thoughts of fear and transmute them into faith.

Since Spirit is present in Its entirety at all times and in all places it follows, that all of Spirit is wherever we center our attention.  And since Spirit is both receptivity and creative responsiveness it follows that wherever we center our attention its image must concentrate substance into the form of such attention.  This is fundamental to our concept of mental and spiritual treatment.  For it is not by external power nor through objective might that our work is to be done, but through the Spirit and the Law.  The Spirit guides and the Law executes.  That which we can take is given us.

Pure Spirit exists at the center of all form.  Of Itself, It is formless but It is ever giving birth to form.  The forms come and go but It goes on forever.  We are some part of It.  If pure Spirit is at the center of everything and is always responding to our thought there is no limit to Its manifestation for us except the limitations that we set.

If it is difficult to see this, realize that our subjective self is the immediate connection between the Absolute and the relative.  It is our share of the Law and immediately connects us with the Creativeness of the Whole.  The Absolute is in relationship to Itself alone.  It is not circumscribed by any form but remains independent of all forms.  It can as easily create a new form for us as to perpetuate an old one.

Mind is the realm of causes.  Conditions are in the realm of effects.  Effects flow from causes and not from themselves.  Thought is the instrument of Mind.  New thoughts create new conditions.  We must learn to think in the Absolute.  This means to think independently of any given or experienced effect.  "Judge not according to appearances."  This thought strikes away the shackles of bondage and finds a new cause at work.

Just as we can conceive of some definite idea, then go on to the conception of another, so we can treat for as many conditions as we can clearly conceive.

We cannot account for the seen without having faith in the unseen.  All advance in science or any other branch of learning must follow this rule if it is to accomplish anything.  To believe in Life is to believe in the invisible.  As science postulates some etheric movement at the center of all objective form, so we start with the premise that this initial movement starts as Pure Intelligence, independent of any form but ready to take form.  All form is temporary even though it lasts for countless millions of years.  That is, any given form comes and goes in a process of time for any given time is temporary.

We have arrived at the conclusion that Spirit or the Mind of God is all Causation.   Then Spirit or Mind is also all effect.  Cause and effect are but two ends of one Unity.  The physical end is visible, the spiritual invisible, but may be inwardly perceived and outwardly experienced.

Spirit, then, is all there is at this very hour and all creation is spiritual.  The Universe is a Spiritual System impregnated with Divine Ideas and peopled with Spiritual Forms.  The ideas of God are perfect laws on their way to producing complete and perfect effects.  The Universe is alive, conscious, awake and aware.  It is love and life.  It is law and order.  It is a Cosmos."

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

August 30 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes

(The following meditation is printed just as it was given in class and group work.)

Perfect Intelligence Directs My Thought

We now let go of everything and enter into a state of peace.  We know the Spirit within us is God, the Living Spirit Almighty...that God Who is Infinite, Perfect and Complete, never needed anything, never had any trouble, never could destroy; the God Who never operated against Himself, Who never condemned Himself--the Spirit that fashions each of us from His own perfect Being.  "All in all, we know Thee, God, omnipresent, full and free; one with every pathway trod, our immortal destiny."

That Infinite Wholeness is perfect peace within us.  That Infinite Intelligence is working through us and our affairs; our thought is inspired, guided, governed and directed by Divine Wisdom.  That Infinite Wholeness is the circulation of ideas, of intelligence, wisdom, truth and life.  It is the elimination of every conception of confusion.  It is the assimilation of that which is whole, happy, perfect.  The Divine Intelligence is the government of our affairs.  Each has within himself this guide to truth, to reason, to beauty, to right action, to certainty and to peace.

Perfect Intelligence Directs My Thought

Monday, August 29, 2016

August 29 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes

No False Habit

There are no vicious nor false habits.

Every desire of my thought and heart is satisfied in the Truth.

I do not long for anything nor feel the lack of anything.

I am not complete within myself; I am perfect within myself; I am happy and satisfied within myself.

I am One with All Life within me.

I am free.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

August 28 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

Mental Expansion (II Cor. 3:18)

""But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord."

As our thought is opened and we behold the image of eternity within ourselves, we are changed by this image into a newness of Life.  This is accomplished by the Spirit of God.

The subjective state of thought is the creative medium within us, which fact psychology has proven beyond any question of doubt.  Emerson tells us that we are inlets and might become outlets to the divine Nature.  We are already inlets, but we must consciously become outlets.  A great mystic tells us that the upper part of the soul is merged with God and the lower part with time and conditions.  Plotinus says that when the soul looks to God alone for its inspiration, its work is done better - even though its back is turned to its work.  And Jesus tells us to seek the Kingdom of god first and that all else will be added unto us.

Now the image of God is imprinted upon each of us and all reflect the Divine Glory to some degree.  Indeed we are part of the Divine Glory.  When our thought is turned from limitation to the greater glory, we then reflect that glory.

When the subjective state of our thought receives its images from Reality, it, in turn, reflects this Reality into all that we do.  Gradually, as this process takes place, the outer man becomes changed, and as his concepts become enlarged, so his conditions and physique take on a newness of life.

And this change in the outer is brought about by the Spirit of God.  The Spirit of God - being the One and Only Presence in the Universe - brings about events and re-molds conditions after Its own likeness.

The Ascending Scale of Life 9 II Cor. 3:7-12)

We are changed from glory to glory.  This implies that the divine scale is ever ascending,  There is no end to the Divine Nature and therefore no end to the possibility of our expressing It.  BUT WE MUST BEHOLD IT, we must look steadfastly into this Reality, if we are to image It in our own minds.

Here is no forlorn outlook, no limited concept!  All that God has, or IS, belongs to us and is ours to make use of.  We are not to separate Life from living, but unite the two into a perfect One.  ...The Thing and the way It works; the glory, and the image of the glory in common affairs of everyday life.  Nor hath eye seen nor can tongue tell the greater possibility of any soul.  Only God has revealed this through His Son.  And this Son is each one of us, from the apparent least to the apparent greatest.

The world is saturated with Divinity, immersed in Reality, and filled with possibility.  We must take this divine possibility and mold it into a present actuality in everyday experience.  This is the way to freedom, the pathway to peace and happiness."

August 27 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes


The Love of the All Good is within me and through me.

That Love goes out to meet all who come into my atmosphere.

It radiates to all and is flowing through all.

My Love within me is Perfect.

Thy Love within me is Perfect.

Friday, August 26, 2016

August 26 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes


I meditate upon the Law of God.

It is a Perfect Law and is now working for me and in and through me.

"The Law of the Lord is perfect."

I speak into that Law and it is done unto me."

Thy Law is in my heart.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

August 25 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes

I Was Told to Live

By some inner mystic Presence,
I was told to live and to love, to laugh and to be glad.

I was told to be still and know of the One Almighty Power, in and through all.

I was told to let that Power work through and in me.

I believed that voice and I received my Good.

I am healed - The joy of Life.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

August 24 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

Heart Trouble

"The heart is the center of Divine Love and perfect circulation.  Its action is harmonious, vital, adequate and complete.  There is no false action and no wrong action.  The pulsations of life are steady, unceasing and perfect.  "Let not your heart be troubled."  Love is at the center of man's being, and the calm, continuous, pulsations of life are governed by Love.

Solomon is accredited with many words of wisdom, none of which are more appropriate just here than his admonition:  "Keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life."  (Prov. 4:23)  In the days when we had no knowledge of whether the emotions should be expressed, repressed or suppressed, the reference to the heart was hardly as significant as it is today.  Now, in the light of experience, there is no question but that anything that touches the sympathetic nature of man has within it the power to build up or destroy the physical body of man.  The daily record of fatalities from "heart trouble," bears evidence of this.  Sudden shock, terrific loss - particularly loss of love - FEAR, all kinds of fear, are some of the thoughts which quickly manifest in the body of man as "heart trouble."  The remedy for this is LOVE.  "Perfect love casteth out fear;" and a Divine fearlessness, a singleness of purpose, a determination to think only God-like thoughts, should be used in treating heart trouble.

Almost every case of heart trouble can be traced to thoughts of strain and inharmony; sometimes to disappointment or disagreement with a loved one; or to a feeling of loss from financial reverses.  A belief that we can be in a position from which God absents Himself.  We reiterate, a remedy for all heart trouble is LOVE.  The heart is known as the center of love, which is the healing balm for every inharmonious thought.  As we recognize our Oneness with Infinite Intelligence, we are set free from uncertainty and pain.  As long as we realize that our heart is a living center, through which the Love of God flows to bless eternally, not only our own lives but the lives of all whom we contact - as long as we realize this, our heart cannot be troubled.

Another thought to be handled in treating any kind of heart trouble is the thought of age.  The race-suggestion carries a strong belief about the unpleasant conditions which may present themselves as one "grows old."  Among these is the physical condition termed hardening of the arteries, which hinders the free flow of blood to the brain.  A treatment must be so formulated as to recognize that there is but One Mind, consequently, no thought of depression, fear, or suggestions of imperfection can flow through It.  Man is birthless, deathless, ageless Spirit; and this should be the consciousness of our work.  This leaves nothing to be born, mature, decay and die.  Life cannot grow old.  God - in us, and through us, as us - can only express according to His Own Nature, which is Perfection.  Therefore, the Law of our being is the Law of perfect assimilation, elimination and circulation; and it is the law of obliteration to anything unlike Itself.  A knowledge of our Oneness with the God-Life all about and within us, that this life is governed by Divine Law and Harmony within us, that our only need is to cooperate mentally with this Law of Life, will heal when we recognize Its presence and activity within us.

Some physicians now claim that the action of the heart is a reflex action, and that the dilation and contraction of the heart is controlled by sympathetic nerve centers in the spine; and while they say that will does not control the heartbeat, emotions do affect the heart and sudden and unexpected grief often causes instant death.  Loving thoughts for all will remove tenseness, stimulate the heart into healthy action, and send new life to every part of the body.  "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.""

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

August 23 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes

I allow Myself to Dip Deeply into My Divine Nature

This meditation is built from the idea that each one of us has within himself a deeper nature, and, of course, this deeper nature being an eternal unity with God, or with the Living Spirit, is more than man; it is where the being of man, or the nature of man, merges into the Being of God.  So, as we dip deeply into our own Divine Natures, let us realize that entering the Secret Presence of this Tabernacle of God, we will, like the Pilgrims of old, have to shed that which does not belong to the Kingdom of Good.  We have to deliberately drop that which would hurt.  We cannot enter this Gate of Good with a sword in our hands.

So we let go of everything and turn to that Divine Depth within our own nature, wherein the Spirit of God - the Spirit of Love and the Spirit of Peace - dwells with calm serenity.   We withdraw into that place within us which has never been hurt, nor has ever been sick, has always and forever lived in divine and eternal peace...the Kingdom of God, which is Good.  And this Inner Kingdom within is all-peace, all-power and all-perfection.  We drop all hate, all fear, all animosity, all resentment.  We cast out of our consciousness every doubt and every sense of uncertainty.  We know that we are entering into that atmosphere of Wholeness, of happiness and completion where there is no fear, no doubt, no uncertainty, no lack, no want.  Here is wholeness, perfection, peace, power beauty, love, supply and life.  We know that the abundance of this life is showered upon us; that we are guided and guarded into right action, into right decision; daily, hourly, minutely, the Principle of Intelligence directs us, the Presence of Love warms us, the Peace of God covers us.  And we are led into the pathway of this peace, into the knowledge of this perfection.

We are conscious of the Indwelling God, and we are conscious that the Indwelling God is filling (instantly renewing) our bodies, absolutely eliminating from us whatever there is that does not belong; co-ordinating every function, every organ, every action and reaction (the circulation, the assimilation, the elimination), making it perfect.  The Life Principle of every part of our being is perfect and harmonious and now functions perfectly in us.  The whole order of discord is changed into the natural order of harmony and wholeness, and we let that Divine Power be exactly what It is in us.  We are no longer afraid, for love casts out fear.  Our faith destroys all fear.  We awake from the dream of fear to the vision of Reality, where there is no shadow of which to be afraid.  We awake from the dream of lack and want and unhappiness to the knowledge of harmony, of abundance and of peace.

I Allow Myself to Dip Deeply into My Divine Nature

Monday, August 22, 2016

August 22 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes

I Shall Not Doubt nor Fear

I shall not doubt nor fear, for my salvation is from On High,
and the day of its appearing is now at hand.

I shall not doubt nor fear, for my whole being responds
to the realization of Life within and around me.

I shall not fear, for the Hosts of Heaven are waiting upon me,
and the Law of the Universe is my Salvation.

I shall not fear.

August 21 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes

Bless and Curse Not (Romans 12:14)

""Bless and curse not."  Here is the whole law and prophets.   We are to overcome evil with good.  Evil lasts but for a day, while goodness shines to eternity and loving kindsness is the very nature of Deity.  As the darkness has no power over light, so evil is overcome with good.

"Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord."  This is a statement of the law of cause and effect.  God does not avenge, but the law of cause and effect exacts the uttermost farthing.  We need not worry how things are coming out; the law takes care of everything and returns to each exactly what is his due.

The Great Awakening (Romans 13:11)

"Now it is high time to awake out of sleep."  The belief in a life apart from Good is a dream from which we must awake, if we are to taste the waters of Reality, which flow from the Source of Life.

As one awakes from a nightmare, so the mentality awakes from the dream of living death to a realization of eternal life.  We cast off the works of darkenss when we realize that evil is not an entity but a fraud.  The armor of light is the Truth, the very knowing of which makes free.

This awakening is a process of evolution, a little here and a little there, until the whole eye is opened and we see that life is neither separate from God nor different from Good.  Life is God, and Good is the only power there is, or can be.

To awaken oneself is to be healed, made prosperous, happy and satisfied; to be made every whit whole, to be complete as we were intended to be.  God is a God of the living and not of the dead.  He sees and knows only perfection and completion; happiness and satisfaction.  When we shall think of ourselves as God knows us, then complete salvation will come to us."

Sunday, August 21, 2016

August 20 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes

No Bondage

There is no bondage nor limitation.

Every part of me moves in perfect harmony and freedom.

I cannot be tied, bound nor made inactive, for I am Free Spirit,
And the Power of my Life is from on High.

There is no inaction nor false action, And I am now completely Free.

I am free.

Friday, August 19, 2016

August 19 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth (Matt. 5:5)

""The meek shall inherit the earth."  This is a teaching of non-resistance.  War lords and plunderers of human possessions have come and gone.  Kingdoms have risen only to crumble in dust and become numbered with past events.  Passion and lust for power have strewn the earth with destruction.  It would seem as though the meek had lost out in the titanic struggle for temporal supremacy.

In the midst of this drama of human existence, Jesus declared that the meek shall inherit the earth.  Let us inquire if his teaching is a true one.  Do we teach our children to follow the steps of a Caesar and a Napoleon? Or do we tell them the story of Jesus or Buddha?  The cross is mightier than the crown and we teach our children that LOVE MASTERS EVERYTHING!  The meek shall inherit the earth.  To whom have our artists turned for inspiration and that quickening power which enables them to depict the idea?  Not to the war lords, nor even the captains of industry, but to the meek.

What characteristics are set before us as being worthy?  Have not faith and belief in the divine Goodness been the theme of our greatest singers?  Who could write a beautiful story about hell?  But heaven and love have inspired thousands to the uplifting of humanity.  Jesus was right when he said that the meek shall inherit the earth.  They have done so and will continue to do so!

They That Hunger Shall Be Fed (Matt. 5:6)

They who hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be filled.  Is there anyone who does not have a soul hunger?  Does not the spirit of man thirst after knowledge and understanding, yearn for Truth and Reality, as blind men yearn for light?  And his hunger can only be satisfied with spiritual food, as manna from heaven.

Let us inquire into this teaching and see if it be an illusion.  Turn to the history of those who have been spiritually-minded, and the question is answered.  They have not received a stone when they asked for bread.  All who have been hungry have been fed; their hunger has been blessed, in that it has led them to that only food - that heavenly manna - which has sustained, strengthened and upheld them, while the rest of the world (with thirst unsatisfied and appetite unappeased) has eagerly inquired from what store they bought their goods.  They who hunger and thirst after Reality are always fed, and directly by the hand of God Himself.

The Merciful Shall Obtain Mercy (Matt. 5:7)

"Blessed are the merciful; for they shall obtain mercy."  Again we are confronted with an apparent contradiction.  Do the merciful always obtain mercy?  From casual observation, it would seem otherwise.  But are not many of our observations based on a finite outlook, from a limited concept?  Can we estimate life from the range of one human experience?  If life begins with the cradle and ends with the grave, then are all of our hopes, not only forlorn, but useless.  It is only with the "eye views the world as one vast plain, one boundless reach of sky," that it sees truly.

The perspective of reality is lost when we view life from the range of a short experience.  Jesus saw beyond the veil and estimated life from the great perspective - the long run of the adventure of the soul.  He knew that the law of cause and effect takes care of all, and that the "Mills of God" will grind the chaff of unreality from the wheat of the Spirit. What matter if these mills do not do all of their grinding while we are clothed in flesh! Did not Jesus know another life which to him was as real as this one?  Can we expect, in this world, to receive full compensation for all our work?  Of course not.  We are building on an eternal foundation, one that time cannot alter nor experience destroy.

A true estimate of real values cannot be built on the shifting sands of time alone.  In the long run, the merciful will obtain mercy!  In the long run, we shall reap as we have sown!"

Thursday, August 18, 2016

August 18 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes 

One with Perfect Action

I am One with Perfect Action.  Everything that I do, say or think is quickened into action through this right understanding and this correct knowing.

The harmonious action of the Great Whole operates through me now and at all times.

I am carried along b this Right Action and am compelled to do the right thing at the right time.

There is nothing in me that can hinder this action from flowing through me.

The action of God is the only action.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

August 17 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes

Why Jesus Had Such Power

"In this book no attempt is made to discuss all the sayings of Jesus.  He lived in a world of spiritual realization far beyond that of which the average man has any understanding.  As spiritual things must be spiritually discerned, so the full meaning of his sayings can never be clear to us until we have attained a consciousness equal to his.  But in the record of his sayings there is much which bears witness to our own belief, and, no doubt, could we penetrate the meaning of his teaching, we should have a perfect explanation of our own philosophy.

Jesus discerned spiritual truth.  Why or how we do not know, nor does it make any difference.  The world has not produced another like him and, until it does, he must receive a unique place in the history of human character.

Man Shall Not Live by Bread Alone (Matt. 4:4)

What did Jesus teach?  "It is written that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God."

Who eats of bread alone, will continually hunger.  To the physical benefits of the human board must be added the spiritual strength of divine wisdom."

August 16 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes

God Restores Me to Perfect Health

The Spirit within me is God, that Spirit is perfect.  That Spirit is divine, whole, happy, complete.  Spirit of Infinite Peace is within me, and that Peace - poised in perfect life, complete in perfect happiness - that Spirit within me is God and is Whole.  That Wholeness is perfect now.

God is an immediate Presence and an immediate Experience in my mind and soul, and I am conscious of this Perfect Presence, this Divine Wisdom, this Eternal Wholeness.  Now I recognize that the Principle of Life is in me and around me and operates through me; that It has no want, has no fear, has no doubt, has no limitation.  There is that within me which guides me into opulence, into success, into harmony and love and beauty and friendship, and It does this in peace, in joy and in certainty.  I let that Divine within me - using whatever method It may - restore me to perfect health, perfect happiness and harmony and bring into my experience everything that is good, that is perfect, that is true and successful.

I am not only one with this Spirit, but this Spirit is all that I am.  It is my whole being, and this Divine Wisdom is in my thought, causing me to act and move intelligently, to make right choices and to follow right pursuits.  There are no problems in this Divine Wisdom.  Therefore, the road is made straight before me; every obstacle is removed and I am led - irresistibly led - to the Absolute, certain goal of Good, of accomplishment, of success.

God Restores Me to Perfect Health

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

August 15 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

Friendship of the Spirit and of Man

The Friendship of the Spirit and of man is mine now and forever.

Even now I see the countless numbers of friends coming and going around me.

I enter into this friendship and this companionship with gladness and rejoicing.

I receive my friends.

I Serve

I serve the world.

I wait upon the Lord within all men;
I call forth glory from On High through the minds of all people.

I obey the will of Him Who inhabits Eternity.

I do the works of Him Who dwelleth among the heavens.

My Lord within commands and I obey.

I do good to all people.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

August 14 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes

There Is No Condemnation (Romans 8:1)

""There is therefore now no condemnation to them...who walk...after the Spirit."  As it is impossible for us to be in another man, and as it is necessary that each live his own life, within the One Life, it follows that the writer was not referring to personality but to a universal Principle.

We are in Christ when we are in the Truth; we are in the Truth when we live in harmony with It.  There is no mystery about this.  It is common sense.  The law of the Spirit makes us free from sin and death.  The law of the Spirit is freedom, and knows no bondage.  When we enter the Spirit, we come under Its law of freedom.

"To be spiritually minded is life and peace."  Who does not long for life and peace?  These are contained in the Spirit, which is the center and circumference of all.  The carnal mind is not subject to the law of God because it is a limited concept of Truth.  The carnal mind symbolizes anything that disbelieves in the supremacy of Good; it is a belief in isolation, a sense of separation from good.

The Spirit That Raised Jesus (Romans 8:11)

The Spirit that raised Jesus dwells in all.  This Spirit quickens our mortal bodies when we let It.  Here is a lesson in mental and spiritual healing.  As the Truth dawns upon the subjective state of our thought, it stimulates it into newness of action.  Everything works from within out.  The body is a reflection of the soul and when the soul, which is the subjective state of thought, is illumined by the Spirit, it quickens the mortal part of us and heals the body.  The mortal is always an effect, a creature of time but a necessary one, for without it we could not function as objective individuals.

The Spirit of Adoption (Romans 8:15)

We have not received a spirit of bondage but one of adoption.  This is a mystical and beautiful saying.   It implies that we are adopted by the Supreme Spirit as Its own offspring.  How could it be otherwise, since we are made of the same stuff as the central fire?  There is no fear in the Spirit, and there will be none in us when we realize who and what we are.  God wishes us well and knows only that we are now free and perfect.  This is the spirit of freedom whereby we are all born free.

Joint Heirs with Christ (Romans 8:16, 17)

The inner Spirit, which is God, bears witness to the divine fact that we are the sons of God, the children of the Most High.  As sons of God, we are heirs to the heaven of reality; joint heirs with Christ.  This means that we are all one in Christ as we are one in God. Christ typifies the Universal Son, of which each is an individual member.

Our expectation looks for a more complete manifestation of our own inner divinity.  Evolution will bring this about, as it does all things.  We are an unfolding Principle of life, Truth, perfect law and action.  We wait for a more complete unfolding of our inner life.  It is already within, the perfect way and the eternal Truth.  We wait for the unfolding of ourselves, through the law inherent within our real nature."

Saturday, August 13, 2016

August 12 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes

“In a treatment for child-birth, we realize that the great Law of Creation is operative.  We know that no idea of God ever comes too soon or too late, but always at the correct time.  We know that right action prevails.
If you are working for yourself, realize that your part is merely to accept fully the fact that the Creative Law within you knows; and not only knows, but performs every right action at the right time; that It synchronizes all impulses toward the event.  It is Its nature to do so.  It could not do otherwise.  Let your mind dwell on the wonder of this knowing Intelligence, which works out the scheme of a new body, imbuing it with Its own laws of health and action, setting up the perfect working of the various systems of the body; the breathing, the circulation, the elimination, and so on.  Realize that Perfection is at work, forming and projecting into the objective world that upon which Its action has been centered; that there can be no obstruction to right action on any plane of expression.
Your meditation at the moment might be:

“I am unified with Universal Law, creating, delivering, perfecting.  I rest in Mind, rejoicing that I have only to accept the perfect results of this natural law.  I give myself completely to this perfect Law, and am at peace.  I am serene because I know that I am in the care of Perfection in action.””

Thursday, August 11, 2016

August 11 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes


"In mind healing the underlying thought in the treatment for fever, is Peace.  Any thought which tends to inspire, to comfort and to give peace to the mind is good.  Through our knowledge of the kingdom within, we are able to claim our power and dominion.

A general treatment like the following will be found effective in allaying fever:

"At all times, I am aware of my immediate Oneness with God; and the glory of my thought makes me immune to negative experiences, even to negative suggestions.  I desert fear and turn resolutely and joyously to faith, and swiftly into my experience comes the desired good.  I give thanks that I am Divine and that I know my Divinity.  A sacraed refuge is this inner place where my thought contacts and consciously becomes one with the Indwelling Almighty.""

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

August 10 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes

"Hardening of the arteries should be treated by thoughts of love.  A  knowledge that body is controlled by mind and need not grow old will help eliminate the fear of this condition, which race-suggestion says comes to many people with what is called "old age."  Treat to know that Love is stronger than any other force in the Universe, and that steadily and rhythmically the Life of God is pulsing through your body.  Persistently know the truth that God's Life flows ceaselessly out through your life and back to Him, where it is renewed, purified and refreshed; and that the pulsing power of divine Love propels it.

Suppose someone comes to you who has high blood pressure.  You wish to treat to remove this sense.  Your work will be recognized as effective if, after you have done your work, he can be examined and his blood pressure is found to be normal.

Take the idea of high blood pressure, or nervous pressure and all that goes with it, and transpose it for the spiritual sense that there is a divine circulation, it is the Spirit that is circulating through this person.  There is nothing to inhibit It, there is nothing to accelerate It; It is always perfect circulation, there is no thought of fear or congestion.  Undoubtedly the condition exists, as an experience, but as a mental practitioner, you are not dealing with objective symptoms but with thought alone.

If the circulatory system seems inadequate, then the practitioner should realize that his patient's circulation is equalized in Spirit, that Divine Life and Energy flow freely to every part of his being, cleansing, revitalizing , and restoring him to complete wholeness.  There is one circulation, which is the Spirit flowing through man.  There are no degenerative processes in the Spirit.

You sense this person as a being Divine, the Spirit indwells him.  There is no man outside of God.  The more convinced a practitioner is of this, the more certain he is that there now is a divine and uninhibited circulation, and that the blood pressure is normal in the experience of the one whom he is treating - the more definite will be the results.

In every case, the mental practitioner proceeds on the assumption that Spirit is already in his patient.  He thinks of Spirit back of the fact:  the Spirit of perfect circulation, uninhibited - that thing which must automatically eliminate everything that does not belong to that person.  Nothing can impoverish that flow; nothing can increase or diminish that pressure.

For any irregularities of the blood, the following simple meditation might be used:

"My existence is a harmonious progression, that of a son of God entering fully into conscious sonship.  My career through life is a joyous, happy expression, a daily expansion into realms of life and living.  My life in God is ageless, deathless, abiding.  I now surrender every personal doubt, fear or hard feeling that would retard the perfect flow of life through me.  There is no obstruction, no barrier in my mind, veins or affairs.  I am harmonious, peaceful, free and unafraid."

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

August 9 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

by Ernest Holmes

Peace Is the Power at the Heart of God

My peace is found at the heart of God.  The heart of God, for me, is found at the very center of my being.  It does not matter how closely the confusion of the outer world presses against me, I am not even disturbed by the confusion in my immediate environment.  I know that the only way to counteract confusion is to bring peace into play.  "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you."  These words of assurance stay with me, and I hear them re-echoing in the depths of my being.

I surrender all of my fears - those nameless fears which have beset me for such a long time, dulling my pleasure and clouding with misery and apprehension all of my days.  I am now through with fear.  What, indeed, is there for a divine and immortal being to fear.  Certainly not people, for as I am a divine and immortal being, so is every man, and every man is my brother.  I recognize the one Life Principle, working in and through and inspiring the motives of everyone I contact.

I do not fear sickness, disease or death, because the eternal and perfect Life animates my body and goes always about Its perfect work, healing and renewing that body.  I am not afraid of want or lack, for the one infinite Essence supplies me with everything I need all of the time.  There is nothing for me to fear, for I am an inseparable part of God.  I live in Him; He lives in me; and I draw upon His perfect peace.

My Peace Is Found at the Heart of God

Monday, August 8, 2016

August 8 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

Within Thy Law Is Freedom

O, My Soul within me, Great is Thy Presence
Within Thy Law is freedom to all who will believe.
I believe in Thy Law and I love Thy precepts.
I know that thy Law is perfect and It is a delight to my Soul,
for It is illumined with Thy Words of Power.
Thy Law is complete freedom to me, and to all for whom it shall be spoken.
I speak the Word of freedom to all, and all shall receive it.

I am free in Thy Law.


I behold the Beautiful and the Pleasant.
My eyes see only that which is beautiful to look upon.
I will not see anything else nor believe in anything else.
I know that beauty has entered into my life, and will always remain there.

I see only the beautiful.

August 7 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes

The Law of Correspondents (Romans 1:20)

"This teaching incorporates the great law of correspondents.  The spiritual world contains an image of the physical; the physical is a counter part of the spiritual.  A true estimate of the outward symbol points to the spiritual reality behind it.

We understand the unseen by correctly viewing the seen.  The outward effect must partake of its inward nature.  The physical universe is the result of an inner Intelligence, working through Law.  Behind form is idea.  The Formless creates form, through the creative power of Its own Mind and Spirit.

Behind every effect there is a cause, and if this cause is a spiritual idea - which it must be - then it follows that should the spiritual idea be discerned, the physical effect would be like it.  The entire possibility of demonstrating the Law of Good depends upon this proposition.  The idea is father to the fact.  Ideas are real, having the power within themselves to be made manifest.

The whole teaching of the Bible is to the effect that God is Universal Spirit, and Universal Creation.  He creates by the power of His Word.  This Word is the law of His Being.  Man reproduces the Divine Nature on the scale of the individual.  He also uses creative power which works through the law of his word.  From this he cannot escape, he need only to use this power constructively and all will be well.  If he uses the creative power of his thought destructively, then it will destroy.

In the Science of Mind, we learn that persistent, constructive thought is the greatest power known and the most effective.  If the visible effect in our lives is not what it should be, if we are unhappy, sick and poverty stricken, we know the remedy.  The Truth is always the remedy, and the Truth is that the law of liberty is the only real law.  When we reverse the process of thought, the effect will be reversed."

Saturday, August 6, 2016

August 6 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes

Blood Troubles and Skin Diseases
(High Blood Pressure, Hardening of the Arteries, Eczema, Boils)

"The blood stream represents the circulation of pure thought, direct from a Divine Source.  The metabolism represents the intelligence within man which knows what to use, and what to cast out.  This blood stream represents the spiritual flow of life, pure and perfect.  The Spirit is never anemic.  We believe that the basic cause for all anemia is a lack of the consciousness of love, and the flow of life as represented by the out-push of Spirit in joyous self-recognition.  There is neither high pressure nor low pressure in this flow, since the pressure is always equalized by spiritual perfection.  There is no sensitiveness, no strain, no inaction or over action, no false action and no inadequate action.  Action, being spiritual, is always perfect.  This stream of life is renewed daily.  It is not material, but spiritual.  The blood stream is continuously renewed as it converts the idea of Spiritual Substance into material benefits.  Love, harmony and peace reign supreme.

The arteries convey this blood stream, and neither harden nor soften.  They are always flexible, always perfect.  There is no tension nor super-tension, but always a calm flow of life forever invigorating, forever renewing, forever revitalizing, carrying to every part of the body and distributing in every part of the body, pure spiritual substance, instantly and permanently perfect.  There is no inner agitation and no outward irritation.

Those of us who suffer from blood troubles and skin diseases have not proven for ourselves the promise:  "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."  Many skin diseases and blood disorders can be traced to a break in the rhythmic harmony of life.  When the body is the harmonious temple of the Living God, Spirit, divine order reigns throughout.  Boils, eczema, and other skin irritations, should be treated by recognizing that the blood is manifesting as pure Substance.

If one has been irritated mentally, and has not been able to adjust himself to the undesirable cause of the irritation, it is but natural that it should manifest objectively sooner or later.  On the other hand, one may be unaware of the cause, it being so deeply covered in his subjective that it has not come to his outer consciousness.  Criticism and inability to live with people - to adjust oneself to the many - bring about many disorders.  A deep-seated resentment against persons or conditions will surely manifest itself in some disagreeable physical reaction.

The first step toward healing is one of honest self-analysis.  What has been our habitual feeling toward persons around us?  Have we really tried to let them live as they see fit, while claiming the same feeling for ourselves?  A good treatment for this would be:

"There is no irritation, frustration, or resentment in my life.  Any sense of inner agitation is now wiped away, and in its place there comes a warm sense of my oneness in essence and experience with all the good there is.  The center of my being is Understanding and Intelligence.  I am calm, poised and at peace with the world.""

August 5 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes

Asthma and Hay Fever

"Many medical men believe that "nervous persons, and those whose work is largely mental, are most often attacked by hay fever, and that hay fever attacks only those who are predisposed to it."  The general acceptance is that it is the result of an undue sensitiveness of the nostrils to the pollen of certain flowers or plants, or even the hairs of certain animals.

We should know that the claim of hay fever has no power over us, that we are inspired and directed by Infinite Mind, and that perfect discrimination and judgment are established in us.  In treating oneself, declare that every day you are capable of expressing the greater possibilities which are your divine inheritance; that you are busy expressing good and have not time for any fear thoughts of asthma and hay fever.

Know that you alone are the door-keeper to the "Temple of the Holy Ghost," your body.  You have the power to say what shall enter there.  No false thing can enter there while you are recognizing your Oneness with Infinite Life.  The pollen which you have thought irritated you is made from the very same Substance from which you are made.  You are sending out only thoughts of peace, love and joy, and no irritating thought or thing can come back to annoy or obstruct the perfect functioning of every organ of your body.  The passages of  your mind are open only to the inflow and outflow of good.  You are sensitive only to good, dwelling in the higher altitudes of consciousness, understanding Life in Its spiritual purpose, experiencing exhilaration, vitalization, and exaltation.

It is written that the breath of God animates creation, with the living presence of a pure divinity.  What breath are we breathing other than this true breath, unrestricted, flowing through channels of pure receptivity, from the Infinite Intelligence and the perfect Life of God?  Let your thought dwell, not on breath nor lack of breath, but on that which breathes.  Sense the freedom of this God-Life, flowing in and through you.  You did not create the Original Substance out of which your body was formed.  God Himself made your body, to be used as His Self-Expression.  This channel must be perfect.  With good-natured flexibility, free your thought from any sense of anxiety or strain, or indecision, or deep-seated worry and concern, knowing that you have only to keep your thought steady and clear, fixed upon the potential perfection of the Universe in which we live.  When you have lifted your consciousness in this manner, use this meditation:

"My entire body is now a receptive channel for the operation of God-Life.  My thought is pure, relaxed and peaceful.  My breathing is not obstructed (asthma) my thought is not sensitive to any discordant or disagreeable sentiment (hay fever), as Mind could not entertain a disagreeable sentiment.  I breathe in the eternal Life Essence.  By this breath I am purified and made strong.  I am freed from the belief in anything unlike Perfection.""

Friday, August 5, 2016

August 4 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes

Nerve Troubles

"As we come to realize that thoughts are things we shall also see that different kinds of thoughts will produce different types of effects.  There is but one final Truth or Reality, but It is always presenting us with varying forms of Itself.  These forms are temporarily misshapen by the creative power of our own thought.  For we must not forget that what we call our thought is really the place where we are using the Creative Mind Itself.  Our thought is creative, not because we will it so, but BECAUSE IT ALREADY IS SO.  WE CANNOT CHANGE THIS NOR ESCAPE FROM ITS EFFECTS IN OUR LIVES.

Consequently we see that certain thoughts would depress while other would exalt.  And all according to the One Law governing our lives.  With this in mind, then, we understand what is meant by saying that certain thoughts should be used in treating certain cases.

Let us consider what kind of thought to use in treating nerve troubles.  We do not deny that people suffer from this or any other cause.  We do, however, affirm that thought may help and has the possibility of completely healing them from the trouble.  The nerves certainly represent the highest form of intelligence running through the flesh.  They really represent mind in the highest form it takes as it controls the human body. 

The general treatment for nerve disorders should incorporate thoughts of peace, poise and power.  There is no strain or struggle in the Universe.  All the actions of Life are harmonious, steady, sure and quiet.  Because the nerves are so responsive to thought, they react immediately to a statement of harmony.  An understanding of the truth that good alone is real and true, gives us the faith essential to an establishment of a firm, unwavering mind, which is necessary if one is to have firm, steady, sensitive, quickly-responding nerves.  Our thought must never waver from the premise of One Power, which is an impersonal, infinite Power for good.

We train our mind to contemplate the good, the enduring, the true.  That which has caused depression, discouragement or indecision, must be neutralized by our refusal to allow it to register.  Realize that the Spirit within you manifests as perfect harmony, and that every cell, atom and organ of your body is functioning according to the Divine Law.  Say: "I am filled with the peace, strength, power and decision of Spirit.  The life forces flow freely, peacefully, and harmoniously through every atom of my body, I am complete and perfect now.  The all-powerful Mind of the Indwelling Christ in me dissolves and dissipates from my mind all belief in indecision, anxiety, depression and discouragement, for I dwell in the realm of peace."

We must heal ourselves form worry.  This tension is relaxed as we gain confidence in good, in truth and in beauty.  Faith must overcome fear, and strong statements of faith should be used to erase the thoughts of doubt and worry that have assailed us.  "I have faith.  I am faith.  I abide in faith.  All doubt and fear have left me.  I understand why it is that I can remain in faith.  I have complete confidence.  I do not waver nor falter in my faith, for I know that God, the Living Spirit, is the only Presence there is or ever can be."

We should also erase the thoughts of yesterday that would rob us of today's happiness.  "There is nothing arising out of the past that can disturb me.   The past, the present and the future are one unbroken stream of Good.  I loose all thoughts that in the past have caused anxiety.  The Spirit knows no past and is not affected by the belief in any.  The past is swallowed up in the victory of a perfect present, which is filled with love and protection."

Equally we must not have fear for the future.  "I see that the future is bright with promise.  It beckons me forward into a more complete realization of my own worth and my rightful place in the Universe.  All my tomorrows will be happy and filled with harmonious occupations.  I look to the future with great and pleasurable anticipation, knowing it will expand my opportunity for radiant self-expression.  I love my past and my future and understand that they are but continuations of the one unbroken chain of life.  There is no future to be afraid of and no past to bring discord into the present."

Such statements will tend to erase any negative stream of causation that may have been set in motion in the past.  Waste no time arguing with anyone over these truths.  This is true and it really works.  We would better spend our time using the Law than arguing over It.  Our position is to be proven by DEMONSTRATION ALONE.  THIS IS THE FINAL TEST OF ALL THEORIES.

We should read, study, think and meditate upon those statements which tend to calm, to give poise and confidence, and erase all thought of fear and tension.  The subjective law can only operate upon that which is given it, so we must be very careful of our patterns of thought.  We live in a sea of Perfect Life and we should take time to understand and sense this in our imagination.  We should think of ourselves as being surrounded by perfect life and poised in an eternal calm.  We are in a sea of untroubled waters of life, from which we may freely drink.  We must do the drinking.  No one else can do this for us.  We should hold out the cup of acceptance until it is filled and overflowing with the manifestations of our desires.  This chalice of the heart is held up that the heavenly flow may fill it with God's abundant life.

The words of peace spoken to the nervous system will remove the tension which produces pain and inflammation of the nerves.  There is neither irritation, agitation nor inflammation in God, in Spirit, in Truth, and man is the Truth.  "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you...Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."  "I am pure Spirit.  My entire nervous system is pure Spirit.  I am poised in harmony, in Truth and in complete calm.  My nervous system is in the Spirit within me, governing my physical body with harmony.  There is no need for pain.  My body is pure Spiritual Substance and as such it is perfect and harmonious."

We are poised in a sense of peace, which comes from our complete faith in God as the light, power and inspiration of our life.  There will be no twitching of muscles, no uneasiness or anxiety about any outcome, if we know - whether waking or sleeping - that every step of the way God goes with us."

Thursday, August 4, 2016

August 3 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes


"Use the thought that Life cannot become paralyzed or inactive.  Life is forever present in Its fullness.  Therefore, where any form of inaction appears we should endeavor to recognize and realize the presence of Life and action.  The Spirit is neither inactive nor is It too active.  Its action cannot be cut off or need it be added to; where the seeming inaction is we should declare for right action.  As in constipation, there is a thought of restriction back of the manifestation of paralysis; often there is a very emotional nature to deal with, and often, though not always, a lot of stubbornness and resistance to heal.

Sometimes the husband or wife, having seen the other suffering from paralysis, will resent so thoroughly the bondage of the loved one, that further power is given to the belief, and the same condition begins to manifest in his or her body.  This person must be shown that in Mind there is perfect freedom, and that in this freedom nothing can bind him, either mentally or physically, that nothing which he ever did or thought or that anyone else did or thought, can bind him, that the very Life of God is his freedom, that this Infinite Life and Action compels him to act out the truth about himself on the objective plane.

When Jesus healed the paralyzed man, He first made him whole in consciousness, then told him to take up his bed and walk.  This is the perfect example for us to follow in the healing of any case of paralysis.  The practitioner should know, without shadow of doubt, that the very power by which the paralytic took up his bed and walked - the power by which Jesus raised His body - is exactly the same power by which paralyzed legs and arms are vitalized and made whole today.  A consciousness of the One Indwelling Presence must be built up, then the patient must accept this consciousness and act upon it.  Life is an idea everywhere present in Mind, and It must be accepted as present in the organs which seem paralyzed.  The following meditation is a good one to use:

"Infinite Spirit, Complete Essence of Life, is now my life.  That which is animated by Perfect Spirit or Life, must express or be like that which animates it.  My thought now rests in contemplation of my real self and that clarified thought makes easy the way for the operation of the Life Essence through me.

"There is no inaction or paralysis in Mind, the Mind of God.  There is no inaction or paralysis in Body, the Body of God.  All manifest life is some part of the Body of God.  My body is some part of the Body of God; right where the inaction appears to be, there is real life and action.  The free-flowing life of Spirit is now energizing every part of my being and quickening it into life and action.   The Spirit has never been paralyzed nor can It be.  I feel the life of the boundless action and energy of Spirit flowing through me.  I am free.

"The perfect co-ordination and functioning of the parts of my body, in their inter-related action, is in perfect rhythm and harmony.  I am conscious of this perfection...this beauty, this perfect action...first, in my thought, then I recognize it in my body as the thought becomes the thing.  I no longer entertain the thought of bondage.  I am no longer influenced by the belief that there is, or can be, any life or action apart from God.  I do not struggle.  I feel my freedom flow from within me.  It is complete, perfect and flowing now.  I am thrilled with the Almighty force of the Universe as it courses through every part of me.  It quickens every part of me into a newness of life and action.  I am the power of God within me, making the physical man perfect.  I am free.

"I know that there flows through me now the Perfect Life Essence.  My body is the abiding place of this Life.  The very stuff of which my body is formed is an Eternal and Perfect Substance.  My body reflects the perfect motion, the rhythmic ease of Mind in action.  Perfect Life is mine.""

August 2 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes

My Vibration Attracts Friends to Me

"I am never alone, never lonely, for I have as companions and friends those people who are drawn to me by the ever-active and immutable Law of Attraction.  I desire to be loved, therefore, I allow myself to love greatly, to feel warmly inclined toward people; to be interested in them and helpful on their behalf.  I give as I wish to receive.  It is not enough that I profess to love people.  I must really love people, more dearly than I have ever loved before, because all men are my brothers.

I do not outline who shall be my friends and companions, for there is no desire to coerce, compel or suggest to anyone.  The Law of Attraction brings into contact and relationship with me all those people in whose company I find the greatest profit and enjoyment and to whom I may give the most.

I am happy and radiant, for I enjoy at all times perfect companionship.  I trust implicitly the Law of Attraction to bring into my environment and atmosphere friends and loved ones, and establish for me a community of interest and helpfulness.  As I love and co-operate with my fellowman, so does he love me and give his co-operation to me.  I am happy in all of my companionships and relationships, because they are worked out perfectly by the Law, and the Law is motivated to work for me BY MY LOVE FOR PEOPLE."

August 1 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes

There Are No Responsibilities

The spirit has no responsibilities.
The Spirit knows no want nor fear.
It is complete within Itself, and lives by virtue of Its own Being.
I am Spirit and cannot take on the fears of the world.
My ways are made straight before me.
The pathway of Life is an endless road of Eternal Satisfaction and Perfect Joy.
My Life within me is Complete and Perfect, and has no cares nor burdens.
It is Free Spirit and cannot be bound.
I rejoice in that Freedom.

I rejoice in freedom.

The Time Has Come

The time has come, the hour has struck.
The power from within has come forth and is expressing through my word.
I do not have to wait; today is the time.
Today I enter into all Truth; today I am completely healed.
Today I enter into my inheritance.

Today the Truth has made me free.