Tuesday, November 1, 2016

November 1 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes


Come, Thou Great and Infinite Mind and inspire me to do great deeds.

Acquaint me with Thy knowledge and in Thy wisdom make me wise.

I would be taught of Thee, Inner Light, and inspired by Thy presence.

I will listen for Thy Voice and it will tell me of great things to be done.

I will walk in Thy Paths and they will lead me into All Good.

I will be inspired from On High.

O Wonderful Presence, flooding me, filling me with Thy Light, Thou dost inspire me!

I feel the inspiration of Spirit.

The Dawn Has Come

Out of the darkness of the long night the Dawn has come.

I rise to meet the new day, filled with confidence and strength.

I arise and go forth into the dawn, inspired and refreshed by the Living Spirit within me.

O Day, you shall never die; the sun shall never set upon your perfect glory.

For the Lamp of the Soul has been re-kindled with the oil of Faith,
And Love has cleansed the windows of Life with the spirit of gladness.

They shall nevermore grow dim with fear, for Perfect Love casteth out all fear.

My light has come.

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