Saturday, November 5, 2016

November 5 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

"We believe in science, because it is organized, systematized knowledge and it is only when knowledge is organized and systematized that it can be utilized.  Science is leading us surely, by its process and method, back again to the great spiritual deductions of the ages:  the physical universe is One; Mind is One.  I could not talk to you and you could not talk to me if your mind had a sharp cleavage, a differentiation in Reality from mind.  There would be something unlike us between, and we could not converse.  The very fact that we are here and can communicate with each other, establishes the Unity of Mind, and it also establishes the fact that Intelligence contacts and communicates with Itself.

Mind is individualized but never individual.   This Mind which is Universal will never be any less than Universal; It will never be individual, but It will be individualized.  There is a great difference.  The wave in the ocean will never be a wave by itself.  IT WILL BE THE OCEAN AS A WAVE.  That is all it will be, caught up as a wave but still the ocean.  Perhaps that is the concept Jesus had when he said that God delivered everything to Him, but He could do nothing except God as Him, in Him, "doeth the works."

The individualization of the Universal comes to a point in the personal, just as the human body is one with the entire physical universe.  It is a different type of the same thing.  So my so-called mind is not another mind, it is this Mind, but it is thinking individually.  That is all.  Thinking individually, it thinks differently - not necessarily better or worse, but differently."

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