Wednesday, November 9, 2016

November 9 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

"We would like to help ourselves and each other through using the Law of Mind.  This we may do by treatment.  What is a treatment? It is something the mind becomes aware of.  Someone might ask, "Is it something the Spirit of God does to us?"  Yes, the Spirit of God is everything, but the mind must accept, and since the mind cannot accept what it rejects, then the mind must unqualifiedly accept.  This is where the trouble comes in.  We all have the spiritual power to raise the dead, but we do not believe we have.  Our mind does not unqualifiedly accept this.   Therefore, that which we are, through disbelief, projects the form of have-not rather than the form of HAVE, but even in taking the form of have-not, it demonstrates that it has what it BELIEVES.

We enter the Absolute in such degree as we withdraw from the relative.  The Bible tells us not to count our enemies.  It is not easy, is it, to turn from a disease and KNOW THAT THERE IS NO DISEASE, when we know very well that it is an experience of the moment.  This is not easy, but the one who can do this, can heal.  The All-Creative Wisdom does not think one thing is difficult and another easy.  With God all things are possible.  We must know this and this Power of God must be hooked up with our thought, with what we are doing.  Energy unconnected does nothing, it is only when it is used, properly directed, that it accomplishes things."

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