Friday, November 25, 2016

November 25 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

Treating Kidney, Bladder and Liver Disturbances (Continued)

"Thoughts of greed, selfishness and jealousy cause congestion in various functions of the body, especially the kidneys.  The work of the kidneys is to eliminate the poisons of the body, but when our minds are filled with thoughts of anger, hatred and resentment, we are pouring into our body poisons in the making.  Too much of this makes a burden the kidneys are unable to carry and the upbuilding of body tissues is disturbed.  But degenerative thoughts can be turned into creative, energizing, vitalizing ones.  Anger can be turned into love, and the very power that has been destroying can be made to build up, not only the kidneys, but the entire body.

The liver, the great laboratory of the body, which abstracts certain materials from the blood, and converts them into new substances which can be used by the body for upbuilding, or eliminated when its work is done, functioning as it does with other digestive organs is an important factor in maintaining the orderly balance of the body.

When disturbances arise in the liver, it is important to erase every unpleasant experience from the memory; every hard, tense thought from the mind.  Just as the liver can convert certain substances into building material for the body, so the mind - filled with the knowledge that there is but One Divine, Powerful, Vital Essence - can change inharmonious thoughts into ideas that heal, cleanse and uplift."

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