Saturday, November 26, 2016

November 26 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

Treating Stomach and Bowel Troubles

"No organ in the body is more quickly upset by a disturbed mental condition than is the stomach.  Frequently people, not even familiar with the manner in which thought controls the body, are heard to remark that a certain experience has "upset my stomach."

Even those who do not habitually say grace before meals would do well to lift thought in thanksgiving - putting aside all thought of worry, distrust, and anxiety - and thereby insure a wonderful digestant, a perfect aid to assimilation.

Sometimes a constant conflict in the emotional nature because of hurt feelings will become such an irritation that it manifests as hemorrhage or stomach ulcer.  Also, a deep-seated sense of discouragement and disappointment will objectify in a disturbed condition of the stomach and bowels.  (Constipation is treated under a separate head.)  A patient may need to be shown that super-sensitiveness is nothing more or less than an expression of selfishness, the presence of which may be unknown to him.

The very best mental remedy for stomach trouble is love and joy.  Say to  yourself:  "The glory of my thought makes me immune to negative experiences, even to negative suggestions.  The very life of God vitalizes my every organ and tissue.  I now have perfect and complete faith in God as my ever-present Good.  My faith fills me and elates my entire being.  As my thought relaxes, all the muscles of my body relax, the Life Spirit flows through me, and my body responds perfectly to Its healing activity, and every function of my body is now brought into perfect action.  The Infinite Life which is within me is now healing me, making me whole, after the pattern of an Infinite and Eternal Perfection.""

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