Sunday, November 20, 2016

November 18 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

"The manifest universe is a result of the Self-Contemplation of God.  Man's world of affairs is the result of his self-contemplation.  He is at first ignorant of this and so binds himself through wrong thought and action.  As he reverses this thought, he reverses the condition attendant upon it.  There is  neither effort nor strain in knowing the Truth.  Right action will be compelled through right knowing.  Therefore, when we know the Truth, It will compel us to act in a correct manner.

Attraction and repulsion are mental qualities, and may be consciously utilized for definite purposes.  Man, automatically and according to Law, attracts to himself a correspondence of his inner mental attitudes.  Inner mental attitudes may be induced through right thinking and correct knowing.  The subjective state of thought is a power always at work; it is the result of the sum total of all beliefs, consciously and unconsciously held.  The subjective state of thought may be consciously changed through right mental action.  The conscious thought controls the subconscious and, in its turn, the subconscious controls conditions.

Since the Law is mental, one must believe in It, in order to have It work affirmatively for him.  But It is always working according to his belief, whether he is conscious of this truth or not.  Demonstration takes place through the field of the One Universal Mind.  We set the Power in motion; the Law produces the effect.  We plant the seed and the Law produces the plant."

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