Thursday, November 17, 2016

November 17 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes
“A sense of separation from good causes us to feel restricted, while a sense of our Unity with GOOD changes the currents of Causation and brings a happier condition into the experience.  Everything in the physical universe is an effect, and exists only by virtue of some invisible cause.  Man’s individuality enables him to make such use of the Law as he desires.  He is bound, not by limitation but by limited thought.  The same power which binds him will free him when he understands the Law to be one of liberty and not of bondage.  The power within man can free him from all distasteful conditions if the Law governing this power is properly understood and utilized.

The Law of Mind, which is the Medium of all action, is a law of perfect balance:  the objective world perfectly balances the images within the subjective world.  Water will reach its own level by its own weight, and according to the same law, consciousness will externalize at its own level by its own weight.  Cause and effect are but two sides of the same thing, one being an image in mind and the other the objective condition.  Here is the invariable rule for knowing how to treat.  We can judge the subjective concept only by its objective effect.  If everything a man does leads to confusion, we should treat to know that he is poised.  The spirit is not confused over anything.  If everything a man does turns out to be a failure, we must know that the Spirit within him cannot conceive failure.  What we put into the treatment will come out of it.  More than we appear to put into it can come out of it, but not a different type.  If I plant a watermelon seed, I will get watermelons but I will get a number of melons, and they will have a lot of seeds which can produce more melons, so the thought is MULTIPLICITY but never DIVISION.  Treatment is a definite, conscious, concrete thing.  There is intention in a treatment and there should be a definite acceptance.”

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