Thursday, November 10, 2016

November 10 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

"We must conceive of the Spirit, God, as governing, controlling and directing man's activity.  God is not a failure.  Therefore, we must resolutely turn away from every experience which has been negative, from every experience which has been a failure, and from every experience which denies God.  The mental and spiritual practitioner should deal with his field alone.  He is not opposed to the medical practitioner, he does not say, "I cannot treat this man if he takes a pill."  Unless the practitioner can prove that the man does not need to take a pill, the patient had better take it if it will benefit him.  There is nothing weird about the application of Truth.  We should not be superstitious in using the Law of Mind.  But the mental practitioner should remain in his own field, which is always the field of thought.

If one is working for a person who has "high blood pressure" or "low blood pressure," after a few treatments he might have his patient go back to his physician for a physical check-up.  "But," one may ask, "can I have spiritual treatment if I do this?"  This is a superstitious reaction and all superstition is ignorance.  If the mental and spiritual practitioner can restore normal blood pressure for his patient, a doctor who can weigh and measure it, can quickly ascertain if the work has been done.  When this is understood, the closest co-operation will be brought about between physician and metaphysician.  It is inevitable that the day shall come when they will understand each other.  They are working in two separate fields, which at the same time have a fundamental unity in one primal principle.  But the mental and spiritual practitioner works in the field of Mind alone."

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