Friday, November 4, 2016

November 3 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

"Recent metaphysical abstraction is the thing that physics begins with - energy and intelligence.  We would add to this that intelligence may be directed by consciousness.  In mental and spiritual treatment, the practitioner endeavors to enter into the consciousness of a state of unity of all life, in which unity exists past, present and future; the person for whom he is working and the unborn but potential possibility of the condition for which he works.  He is dealing not with mental suggestion but with a spiritual Presence, he does not seek to force an issue, but rather permits a Creative Intelligence to perform a certain act.

We are all familiar with the idea of a unity in this physical world, this physical universe:  all physical form is made of one ultimate stuff, of which no one knows the nature.  We are acquainted with the form.  As stated above, physics has chased this form, as it were, back into a primordial unity of energy and intelligence.  Perhaps this is what Emerson had in mind when he said that every fact is fluid; or what Spinoza had in mind when he said:  "I do not say that mind is one thing and matter another; I say they are the same thing."

All forms are theoretically resolvable into a universal energy and substance, upon which, and through which, Intelligence operates.  The Bible says:  "In the beginning with the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God; and all things were made by the Word, and without the Word was not anything made that was made."  The Bible clearly speaks of the physical universe and everything in it as though it were a word in form; that God is Spirit; that the action of Spirit upon Itself produces creation; that man is a complement of the Universe, an incarnation of the universe, partaking of the same nature.  Consequently, his word is creative!  This should answer the question of the students who are unable to understand how thought can become a thing; how thought can influence objective life, whether it be the physical body or the physical environment.

The Bible further explains to us the uses we can make of this power of the word.  It gives us the story of Adam and the Garden of Eden and the Fall to show the wrong use.  Then it gives us the story of Jesus, the Christ, and His spiritual teachings, to show us the right use; and again - "As in Adam, all die, even so in Christ all are made alive."  It says also that " the beginning God made man perfect, but man has sought out many inventions."  It very boldly declares that death and resurrection are inventions of the human mind and not a decree of the Almighty.  Referring to Adam and to Christ, the Bible says, "The first man is of the earth, earthy; the second man is the Lord from heaven."  And when the disciples of Jesus asked him, "What is God's relationship to the dead?" he replied, "God is not a God of the dead but of the living, for in His sight all are alive."  In other words, the Bible clearly states that we are living in a spiritual Universe, governed by mental laws; that there is an action of Consciousness, as Law, upon Substance, forever producing form, and forever withdrawing from any particular form, thus producing another; that the form changes but the Formless never."

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