Saturday, November 12, 2016

November 11 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

"Unlike the physician who must diagnose the disease and work with it, the metaphysician turns entirely away from the disease in his thought.  Diseases - whether they be mumps, measles, poverty or unhappiness - all are wrong adjustments to life; this is what disease is.  Lack of ease.  The mental and spiritual practitioner must turn completely from the condition, as it is, and MUST CONTEMPLATE IT AS IT OUGHT TO BE...never as it appears to be.

And he has a techniques for this, a method of procedure.  He has a way in which he thinks.  He starts with the premise that God is perfect, the Spiritual System is perfect, man is perfect a part of this Spiritual System, therefore, the spiritual man is perfect.  The practitioner does not deal with the material man; he says the spiritual man is perfect, and that disease cannot attach itself to this spiritual man.   If he were dealing directly with disease, poverty or unhappiness, he would be caught in its mental vibration.  We should seek to disentangle our imagination from the material man and join it with our contemplation of the spiritual man.  THE SPIRITUAL MAN IS PERFECT.  The spiritual man is continuously remolding and remaking the material or physical man.

In the natural processes of evolution, what we call time elapses - one day, one week, one month, one year - but in Spirit there is no time.  The Spirit is Timeless.  Therefore the mental and spiritual practitioner must not deal with time, he must transcend time.  Not only must he transcend time, but he must resolutely turn away from any form of limitation.  God is not limited by any form.  He turns to the Formless, for out of this a new form shall come."

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