Monday, November 14, 2016

November 12 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

"Let us again briefly go over what it is that one must do.  He must first of all BELIEVE.  The supposition is that the reader already believes or he would not be studying thus far.  Why must we believe?  Because God is belief.  God is belief and belief is Law, and the Law produces form, in substance.  When Jesus explained to his disciples that they had failed to heal because of lack of faith, they protested that they did have faith in God.  Jesus explained to them that this was insufficient; they must have the faith of God.  The faith of God is very different from a faith in God.  The faith of God IS God, and somewhere along the line of our spiritual evolution this transition will gradually take place, where we shall cease having a faith IN and shall have the faith OF.  Always in such degree as this happens, a demonstration takes place.  We must believe because God is belief; the  physical Universe is built out of belief - faith, belief, acceptance, conviction.

This is only the starting point.  What good is the possibility until it is used?  What good is knowledge unless we make practical application of it?  Therefore we must definitely speak our conviction in concrete form in Mind.  A treatment should always be definite, specific, concrete.  In practical treatment one does not become subjective.  The creative act is always conscious.  In other words, a treatment moves in thought, sets something in motion, is an active thing.

For instance, suppose we have received a request for help for a physical condition.  Immediately we take the name of the person in consciousness - as every man maintains his identity in Universal Mind, just as he maintains it in the physical world - and we declare the truth about that man, the truth about the spiritual man, and we know that the truth about Spiritual Man is the truth about that man's condition right now.  First, recognition; second, unification.  We continue to do this until something comes into our consciousness which says "Yes."  We know the work has been accomplished.  This is the third step, realization.  This is what a treatment is.  Perhaps we would hold this consciousness a while, and we might repeat this treatment two or three times a day for a time.  If we have agreed to treat the man, we should be certain to do so.  At the same time, we should be careful, after the treatment has been given, that we take no responsibility of trying to make it work.  The Law will work from its own energy; how, we do not know."

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