Sunday, November 20, 2016

November 20 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

"There is One Infinite Mind from which all things come.  This Mind is through, in, and around man.  It is the Only Mind there is and every time man thinks he uses It.  There is One Infinite Spirit and every time man says “I am” he proclaims It.  There is One Infinite Substance and every time man moves he moves in It.  There is One Infinite Law and every time man thinks he sets this Law in motion.  There is One Infinite God and every time man speaks to this God, he receives a direct answer.  ONE! ONE! ONE!  “I am God and there is none else.”  There is One Limitless Life, which returns to the thinker exactly what he thinks into It.  One! One! One!  “In all, over all, and through all.”  Talk, live, act, believe and know that you are a center in this One.  All the Power there is, all the Presence there is, all the Love there is, all the Peace there is, all the Good there is, and the Only God there is, is Omnipresent.  Consequently, the Infinite is in and through man and is in and through everything.  “Act as though I am and I will be.”"

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