Tuesday, November 15, 2016

November 15 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

My Good Is Complete

My Good is complete; it is finished; it is now here and is conscious of me and of mine.

I do not have to wait for my Good; it is at hand and ever ready to spring forth and express itself to me.

I accept my Good and gladly acknowledge it to be my daily companion.

My Good is mine now, and I can see it and feel it and know it.

Today I claim my Good.

My Own Shall Come to Me

From far and near my own shall come to me.  Even now it is coming to me and I receive it.

My own is now manifesting itself to me, and I see and know its presence.  My own shall know and respond to me.

My own cannot be kept from me, neither can I keep my good away from me.  I receive my good NOW.

My own shall find me.  No matter where I go, it will follow and claim me.

I cannot hide myself from my own.

My own shall come to me, even though I deny it; for there is nothing in me that can hinder it 
from entering and taking possession of my Soul.

My own is now expressed.

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