Tuesday, November 22, 2016

November 23 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

Treating Kidney, Bladder and Liver Disturbances

"Mental agencies which contribute to the production of all kinds of kidney trouble are worry, anxiety, fear, and criticism.  Acute attacks of nephritis, followed by death, have been caused by sudden shock and grief.  The conscious knowledge that in Divine Mind we are known only as perfection so uplifts the thought that every mental and emotional reaction to circumstances and conditions is improved.

Diabetes:  "Since the life of God is pure and complete, and since the life of God within me is mighty to heal, then I know that this thing which calls itself by the name of diabetes is neither person, place nor thing.  I cannot be compelled to suffer from or by it.  It cannot operate through me, nor be believed in by me.  Whatever my blood stream needs or ought to have, it does have right now, for God is all, in all, over all, and through all, and the God Substance of my body makes me free from all claim to diabetes.

"My kidneys perform their natural function and are adjusted to their natural and spiritual perfection and operation.  They are perfect because they are spiritual ideas and all that God conceived is now perfect.  There is no discouragement and no condemnation operating through me.  My life within me is perfect and harmonious right now and will continue to remain perfect and harmonious.  I am now healed and made glad.  My blood stream is pure, perfect and spiritual.  I sense this, know it and understand it.

"My system, which is spiritual and perfect, contains within itself, every chemical requirement.  Spirit cannot make a mistake, cannot withhold from my system anything that the system needs.  There is perfect elimination and I abandon myself to the life giving force of pure Spirit.""

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