Sunday, November 27, 2016

November 27 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

Treating Insomnia

"Insomnia is the result of a disturbed mental condition, either conscious or subconscious.  Sometimes this arises from shock, grief, or anxiety, though often it is merely an inability to let go of the affairs of the day.  Perfect trust in God within is the secret of relaxation, rest and renewal..  The following is one treatment for insomnia:

"The Spirit within me is in perfect rest.  The center of my being is quiet and poised.  I let my inner spirit fill my whole being with peace and stillness.  With this word, I now relax in body and mind.  I let the Divine Tranquility fill me.

"My mind now releases all sense of burden or strain.  Nothing can hurt or disturb my spiritual self.  I am free and safe.  All plans and ideas can wait until later.  The Divine Wisdom works through me and I am protected from mistakes.  My mind is quiet, calm, and deeply still.  All tension is released and the great inner peace flows out through every nerve.  My body rests in the still silence of the Spirit.  I bless my body and my mind, for they are good and worthy of my love.

"The great blessing of the Spirit pours through me now and protects me in all my ways.  My good is around and with me so that I am secure and safe.  The loving presence of Spirit is with me now and forever, so that I am divinely protected.  I let go of all problems and know that Spirit is with me.  The great quietness and calm of the Universal Love is within me.  I am richly blessed.

"Rest permeates my mind and body with its healing presence.  I do not try to make anything happen, I accept restful sleep.  Restfulness pervades my room and my bed.  I let the Spirit take care of the Universe and my affairs, while I release all responsibility and sleep.  The all-powerful Mind of the Indwelling Christ within me dissolves all sense of wakefulness and I am at peace.""

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