Thursday, December 1, 2016

December 1 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes


"We are reminded of the words of Isaiah:  "The Lord Jehovah hath opened thine ear."  The ear is the physical representation of a receptive capacity of mind.  An attitude of quietness and confidence, a listening attitude of:  "Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth," will open the way for the voice of Spirit to speak to the inner ear.  We can so train our ears to listen to the Divine Harmony within, that we shall reproduce Its melody, rhythm and beauty in all our ways.

Hearing is a divine idea in Mind, and all divine ideas are perfect.  Ideas have a service to render to the Spirit of man, and as long as man expects and accepts whole-heartedly that service, and co-operates consciously and subjectively with it, there is nothing to oppose the functioning of the physical instruments through which ideas operate.

Treat to know that your hearing is perfect, that it is God hearing through you.  There is no belief in inaction that in any way can hinder this hearing, for every idea of the body is now complete and perfect and functions according to Divine Law.  Be open and receptive to the Truth.  Let the inner ear listen to the voice of Truth that is always speaking.  Say:  "I perfectly hear the voice of Good.  My ears are open to the Divine Harmony.  The inner ear and the outer ear are both open and receptive to the vibration of perfect harmony.""

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