Sunday, December 11, 2016

December 11 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

OTHER TEACHINGS from The New Testament
Ernest Holmes

The Inner Light ( Romans 8:21)

The creature shall be delivered from bondage.  As the inner light dawns, it delivers the outer life from bondage.  This is in line with the teaching that everything is from within out.  When the soul knows freedom, the law will free the body, and the outer life will express health, happiness and success.

All things work for out good.  Even that which we call evil is salutary, leading us to the Way, the Truth and the Life.  Suffering should teach us a lesson which would cause us to refrain from making more mistakes; it carries a blessing with it when we learn how to garner knowledge from experience.

Predestination (Romans 8:29)

"For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate."  God foreknows His own perfection and the perfection of His entire creation, so it is foreknown and predetermined by the Divine Mind that all shall be sons of God.  Man cannot forever keep himself from his birthright; all will eventually be saved from themselves - as there can be no such thing as eternal damnation.  To believe in such an absurd doctrine is worse than ignorance.  Emerson tells us that there is no sin but ignorance.  God knows only perfection; when we know as God knows, our troubles will be rolled up like a scroll and numbered with past illusions.

God's Will for His Creation (Romans 8:31)

"If God be for us, who can be against us?"  If God is all there is and the universe is One, then there is no power, presence or law against the Truth!  One with the truth is a totality.  If our whole endeavor is to be, and to do, that which is constructive, then we are with God and we may be sure He is ever with us.  God knows no outside.  He is ever inside.  The outer rim of Reality is exactly at the center of Itself.

NOTHING can keep us from the love of God.  What a comfort!  What joy to know that all is well with the soul!  What untold sufferings we have had because of our doubts and fears!  And we are told not to be afraid, for it is the Father's good pleasure to give us the Kingdom.  Man alone has tried to rob us of our birthright - the glorious liberty of the Sons of the Most High.

Let us honor God more and man less.  Let us seek within for the cause; it can be found in no other place.  There is nothing that can keep us from this inner vision of the Eternal Reality.

The Renewing of Your Mind (Romans 12:2)

"Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind."  Today we know what this means.  The renewing of the mind is a scientific act.  As the conscious thought pours truth into the subjective channels of creative energy, the body is automatically renewed; this is mental healing.  Mental healing is a conscious act, as well as an established fact, in the experience of many people.  Instead of the old concepts of disease and failure, we are to inject those of liberty, freedom, health, harmony and success.

Mental healing is subject to the exact laws of Mind and Spirit, and is accomplished by correct knowing.  This knowing is a mental attitude toward the Truth.  It is the Truth which makes free and it is the mind which knows the Truth.

The body is healed as the inner mind is transformed; as the old and false images of thought are renewed by images of Truth and Life.   The process through which this renewing takes place is a conscious one, and may be practiced by anyone who understands the principle involved.

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