Tuesday, December 6, 2016

December 6 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes

Despair Gives Way to Joy

Despair gives way to joy at the thought of Thee, Indwelling Good.

I cannot be sad when I think of Thee.

My sorrow is turned to gladness and my shame to rejoicing.

My tears are wiped away and the sunlight of the Spirit shines through the clouds of
depression and lights the way to Heaven.

Thy Joy has made me glad.

Free Spirit Within Me

Free Spirit within me, Unbound and Perfect, teach me Thy ways and make known
to me Thy Limitless Completion.

O Spirit of Life, control my every action and thought.

Compel me to follow Thy light that I too may be free and complete.

I will follow Thy footsteps and learn of Thee all the wondrous secrets of Life.

I will follow Thy Light into the Perfect Day.

Free Spirit within me.

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