Wednesday, December 21, 2016

December 21 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

"We may be sure that the whole aim of evolution is to produce innumerable selves which are all consciously centered in the Universal Self.  The individual "I" is a complement to the universal "I AM."  And any method that would seek to erase or to obliterate this individual "I" must be based upon a false philosophy.  But "the Father is greater than I."  This must never be overlooked for all further evolution of the individual will depend upon his conscious co-operation with the Law and with the Spirit; the Spirit is greater than any particular use of the Law of cause and effect.

If we believe that as isolated personalities we are able to heal through mental and spiritual methods we shall be likely to fall into the error that it is human will that accomplishes the desired good.  And perhaps our human will power will some day tell us that it no longer has the strength to keep on working, that it is tired or that it no longer has the inspiration to continue.  It is evident that we must not allow ourselves to think this way if we wish to accomplish anything worth while.

If we are swayed by the opinions of others or by the belief that we are not yet ready to help others, then we are falling under the illusion that we are using an isolated power and do not understand that which really heals is the knowledge that the spiritual man is already complete and perfect.

The practitioner knows that the spiritual man needs no healing but that this has not yet become revealed to the mind.  What the healer does is to mentally uncover and reveal the Truth of Being, which is that God is in and through every man, and that this Indwelling Presence is already Perfect.  We separate the belief from the believer and reveal that which does not belong to the real man must be discarded.  Whatever is of a discordant nature does not belong to the Truth of our Being.  We really heal the thought.  The Spirit of man needs no healing for the Spirit of man is God.

Ignorance stays with us until the day of enlightenment, until our vision toward the Spirit broadens and casts out the image of a no longer useful littleness.  What we now experience we may cease experiencing if we have the will and the imagination to set our vision in an opposite direction and hold it there.  It is the office of the imagination to set the vision.  The will should hold it in place until the creative genius of the inner life transforms the image of limitation and transmutes it into liberty under law.

"With right glance and with right speech man superintendeth the animate and the inanimate," rightly said the ancient whose knowledge of unseen Principle gave him power over his objective world.  But this is more than a saying.  It is a truth and should become a part of our everyday practice.  That is, we should daily practice correct thinking.  We should decide what we wish to have happen in our lives.  We should be sure that it implies no hurt for anyone and then we should be certain that we now have this desire, whatever it may be."

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