Tuesday, December 27, 2016

December 27 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

"The great mystics like Jesus have taught that as we consciously enter into the One, the One enters into, and becomes us.  While sensing this Unity, they have also sensed the individualization of Being and the individuality of man as a Divine Reality.

In flashes of illumination, the inspired have seen into the very center of Reality.  They have been convinced of immortality now; of God as personal to the individual; of the inevitable overcoming of all evil by good.  In such degree as we become conscious of God, evil disappears.

Man is Universal on the subjective side of life, and in this way is connected with the subjectivity of all with whom he is in harmonious vibration.  Mental suggestion operates through the subjective mind, and a silent influence is always going on through this avenue in the form of race-suggestion.  A silent communication takes place at all times between friends, on the subjective side of life; when it comes to the surface, when one receives a clear impression of thought without the use of words, it is called mental telepathy.

Telepathy, which is the act of reading subjective thought, takes place through the medium of Universal Subjectivity.  In order to mentally receive a message, and bring it to the surface, one must be in tune with the vibration of that message.  Since the whole field of subjectivity is Universal, it follows that everything which has ever been thought, said or done, is retained in the race-thought; and since this field is a unity, all of the vibrations are ever-present and may be contacted at the point of anyone's mentality.  In his objective state, man is separate and distinct, but on the subjective side of life he is Universal.

Each maintains a stream of consciousness in the One Mind, and anyone contacting this stream may objectify it.  Because of the Universality of the Medium, the individual stream of consciousness is always omnipresent, whether the one from whom it emanated be in the flesh or out of it.  Time and space are unknown in Mind...the past and the present are one.  Everyone who has ever lived has left behind a mental picture of himself.  These pictures are often seen when one is in a subjective state.  This does not mean that we really see the person; what we see, generally, is the picture."

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