Tuesday, December 20, 2016

December 20 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

By Ernest Holmes

Peace Steals Through the Soul

Peace steals through the waiting Soul, and the comfort of the Spirit
comes into the stillness of the heart.

Peace, like an ocean of Infinite Life, reflects itself through me
and calms every turbulent feeling.

I am at peace and rest in the knowledge of the All Good which is at hand.

I rest in peace.

Stand Forth and Speak

Stand forth and speak, Spirit within me.

Proclaim Thy presence, announce Thy course.

Declare through me Thy wondrous works and
Let the children of men hear Thy voice.

Behold, He maketh all things new.

The Spirit within speaks words of Truth and Life to all.

The Spirit within me is God.

I speak the Truth.

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