Thursday, December 8, 2016

December 8 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes


"There is no bondage in the Spirit and we should endeavor to realize that the Spirit frees us from every type of bondage.  As perfect love casts out all fear and frees us from the bondage of stubbornness and unbelief we should be freed from the outward picturing and manifestation of the pain and congestion which appear as rheumatism.  Why should the system secrete impurities or why should there be any acidity if we are governed by Divine Intelligence as to what we should eat and by Divine Law as to how we should eliminate what does not belong to the system?  It is well to remind ourselves that the system is spiritual and divinely ordained.  God does not make mistakes and our muscles and joints do not need to store up waste matter which causes pain and physical distress.

To be washed clean by the Spirit should have a real meaning to us and the practitioner should believe that there is such a baptism of Spirit as this.  If anyone should criticize him for such a belief he would be a poor worker in this field who ever knew that such condemnation had taken place.  Of course we must expect to contradict human experience if we wish to transcend it, how else could Jesus have told the blind man to look up - He said up and not down.  The worker in the field of spiritual thought must not be afraid to mentally attach any physical condition with the full assurance that he is dealing with the power that first created and as easily recreates.  He does this by knowing that it is done.

Do not hesitate to know that you can heal; you can if you know that you can and not until then.  Bondage and freedom are but two possibilities of our use of the Law.  Let us affirm freedom, not bondage.

"My entire system is spiritual and my physical being is now quickened into life and truth.  It is cleansed and purified by the power of the word of God within me.  This word which I speak is the presence, the power and the Law of God working through me.

"The energy of the pure and perfect Spirit is now cleansing me from all impurities of the flesh.  My elimination is perfect.  The joy of the Lord God is within and around me.  I live in the sunshine of eternal truth and beauty.  I love and understand life.  My faith in the healing and the cleansing power of my word is complete.  This word penetrates the marrow and bone of my physical being and eliminates all waste substances.  My food digests perfectly.  I have perfect and complete circulation of love, truth and beauty through my entire system.  Love and life permeate every atom of my being.  I am washed, cleansed within.  I forgive all and am forgiven of all and by all.  Nothing remains in my being but love.  There is no pain or distress in the joints or in the muscles.  My body is the body of God, the Living Spirit Almighty."

Now take the time to realize the truth of the foregoing statements.  It is not so much what you say but the mental attitude you have when you say it, that counts.  Believe and you will be made whole, is the key thought.  Perfect God, perfect man and perfect being.  Confirm all statements to this proposition."

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