Friday, December 2, 2016

December 2 ~ The Science of Mind in a Year

Ernest Holmes

Weather Conditions

"Pure Spirit is not and cannot be governed by any weather conditions whatsoever.  All weather is a manifestation of Spirit, a flowering of the Divine in sunshine, in shade, in rain and in clouds.  Say:

"I am in complete unity with all.  I am in complete agreement with all, and I enjoy all.  There is no congestion in the weather and none in me.  There is no confusion about the weather in my thought.  I have no fear of any kind of weather since I know that I am at one with all.  I love the clouds, the rain and the sunshine.  I am one with the heat and with cold.  I am unified with humidity, with dryness of atmosphere, and with sunshine and shadow.

"Every atom of my body responds to this understanding that changes in weather conditions are but variations of the One Life, but different manifestations of the One God appearing to me in many forms.  Each and every one of the forms I love and feel my unity with.  I love the heat of the desert and the dampness of the ocean.  I feel physically complete and harmonious in every climate.  I do not condemn any kind of weather for all at part of myself.  I am one with all.  I love all and I feel comfortable in all.

"Every belief that I may have ever had that says I am afraid of weather conditions, is now vanished from my thought forever.  It is no more and therefore can no longer operate.  I now and feel my freedom.  In this freedom I rejoice.""

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